My wife and I just watched this. It was pretty enjoyable, lots of Steely Dan, Micheal McDonald, Christopher Cross, Toto, that kind of stuff. It told the tale quite well and brought back some memories. Well worth watching if you have access to MAX.
However, the highlight for me was when they started a video section showing many of the albums jackets from that era that qualified (to them) as "Yacht Rock". Of course I noticed the CD-4 QUADRADISC logo on the "Unborn Child" LP (sadly, a cut-out with a drill hole through the word QUADRADISC), but a Quadradisc none the less. Very cool!
However, the highlight for me was when they started a video section showing many of the albums jackets from that era that qualified (to them) as "Yacht Rock". Of course I noticed the CD-4 QUADRADISC logo on the "Unborn Child" LP (sadly, a cut-out with a drill hole through the word QUADRADISC), but a Quadradisc none the less. Very cool!