Help with Atmos setup on Oppo 205


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300 Club - QQ All-Star
Since 2002/2003
Aug 28, 2003
I am using 5.1 analogue cables from an Oppo 205 to an older Denon receiver. When playing Atmos mixes from Blu-rays my rears lower in volume when setting the Oppo player to downmix to 5.1. When choosing not to downmix and leaving playing as 7.1, the rear channels are correct volume but I lose any info from the height channels. When downmixing to 5.1, I get the height channel info mixed to my rear channels, but the rears are lower in volume. Really confused. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.
The 7.1 mix from the Bluray should downmix properly to 5.1.
Have you visited and changed your OPPO's 'Down-mix Mode' options: -

Yes. My issue is the player lowers the volume of the rear channels when downmixing 7.1 to 5.1.
Must be a setting on the player but I can't figure what I am doing wrong.
My feeling is that as it is downmixing (i.e. merging) two channels into one it will lower the level of each identically by a fixed amount (I would think each lowered by 6dB) so that if each channel had exactly the same signal level the overall signal level going to the amplifier would be the same as the unmixed signal - so an amplifier input is not clipped.
Thanks. That makes sense. So raising each rear channel by 6dbs should get it back to normal. Where dud you get 6dbs. Just wondering
My feeling is that as it is downmixing (i.e. merging) two channels into one it will lower the level of each identically by a fixed amount (I would think each lowered by 6dB) so that if each channel had exactly the same signal level the overall signal level going to the amplifier would be the same as the unmixed signal - so an amplifier input is not clipped.
It's a doubling of power so its a -3dB adjustment (per channel) I believe. And that only holds true for a mono signal as would be the case for mixdown of a center channel that is split between the front L/R channels. I'm not sure of the rule for combining rear and side surrounds. Its not the same thing as a center channel mixdown. My guess would be no adjustment at all, but I'd like to know for sure.
Thanks. That makes sense. So raising each rear channel by 6dbs should get it back to normal. Where dud you get 6dbs. Just wondering
This is why you need to visit the OPPO's 'Speaker Configuration' options and set the speaker type, speaker distances, and run the 'Test Tone' to achieve a balanced audio level from all your speakers.
It's a doubling of power so its a -3dB adjustment (per channel) I believe. And that only holds true for a mono signal as would be the case for mixdown of a center channel that is split between the front L/R channels. I'm not sure of the rule for combining rear and side surrounds. Its not the same thing as a center channel mixdown. My guess would be no adjustment at all, but I'd like to know for sure.
Its one of those depends on where you measure! As the downmix is done on an analogue or digital signal it'll be 6dB, but the power at the speakers will be 3dB down. I think Rear & Side are downmixed/merged together when you go from 7.1 to 5.1 - but don't hold me to that!