Involve encoder?


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Please note the BASIC encoder is already available in the existing simple plastic box for $650 ($600 to QQ members) this includes a full license to record for distribution music encoded in INVOLVE stereo compatible format. It encodes in QS or the Intelligent INVOLVE formats.




Hi Chucky: Glad to know the encoder is now available. If possible, please post the owner manual, or provide link. Do you have any special ordering instructions?

Thanks from John R

Chucky: What's your current info regarding availability of the Involve Encoder? How might it be ordered?

thanks from John R
Hi jsrstereo

We have 25 encoder units in stock at the moment, only issue is our commercial people have not updated our web purchasing page. Give me till say mid next week and I will organize it.



Chucky: What's your current info regarding availability of the Involve Encoder? How might it be ordered?

thanks from John R
Hi Jsrstereo

Sorry about the delayed response but I have been waiting for things like stickers to arrive. Nathan will create and ordering page in a few days but they will be available in a week.



Chucky: What's your current info regarding availability of the Involve Encoder? How might it be ordered?

thanks from John R
Here's a question for Chucky:

I really love my new SM decoder, and now I wonder: Will you ever produce an Involve 5.1-to-2 channel encoder for sale to us QQ members to play with?

I want one.


I'm glad this came up again. I had suggested some time back that perhaps...since the encoders had been announced as a product, it would be really great if the encoder and decoder could be bundled together for those of us with an enthusiasm for this promising work - also pointing out that, sight unseen, I had already ordered the first half of the bundle. So,guys, when I send Surround Master back (to be turned into a Mighty Master of Sound!) under what (smiles) nicer terms could it be returned as two almost look-alike boxes. After all, you will likely get your way with a very professional metal-cased unit that will be snapped up by the sonic-ly savy, and you'llwish these protos would just never be mentioned again. Maybe sell a "bundled" encoder for (lots of smiles, grins, groveling and foot shuffling) the same price I paid for the decoder? I AM herewith and formally advance-ordering one (HEY! Sight unseen! Absolute FAITH in you guys!), awaiting only your directions for sending you $$$!! Also, will you kindly send me the RMA number via Private Message, to allow me to start the shipping process? [/[//SIZE] Oops, never mind. Windows Magnify is such a great pain to work with; but I've been able to read further and see where it is QQ priced. D##m; glaucoma surgeries have taken their toll. hopefully there will BE a world which is not low contrast impressionism, and soon
Hi QuadonMonto

I have been a bit slack in notifying the forum about this....oops. We currently have some INVOLVE encoders in stock, things were delayed as we were waiting on some stickers. Please note that these are the cheaper ($650) plastic box versions that is capable in recording in Intelligent INVOLVE format (stereo indistinguishable) or QS format.

With each purchase you are issued with full permission to record commercially in involve format - the only requirement is that the INVOLVE logo appears on any material distributed.

As for actually buying the thing, now that's where I get a bit fuzzy. I will ask a few people today on the best mechanism. I or David will get back shortly on this.

Please note that we are working full time on a more "professional" studio version and a high end consumer pre amp/ encoder/ decoder (including MM and MC phono!!!!), but this will cost heaps more.



Chucky: What's your current info regarding availability of the Involve Encoder? How might it be ordered?

thanks from John R
Hi Chucky,

when is the "top end consumer model that will also include a MM and MC phono pre amp, Involve QS/ Involve SQ, encode and decode, remote controller." coming?

I thinking on using my current Involve Decoder in my car (still thinking on how to do it but i will di it!) and I will need a Surround Master for home. Im also planning on buying a Turntable so I will need a phono pre amp tah was going to be connected to the SM and this model you ar talking about simplyfies things a lot

any news on this product, what will be the pricing of the consumer model?
Hi Inkubuzz

We are still working on it the current progress is waiting for bits......we should have both the assembled pcb's and metalwork within 3 weeks, then testing etc. Actually this initial version is the studio recording version with balanced isolated inputs, the MM/ MC add on is still to be designed and that work should start also in say 3 weeks.

So given usual delays/ stuffups/ life/ Xmas and loosing our way I suspect the first production versions to be available late February early March 2014......good things come to those who wait.



Hi Chucky,

when is the "top end consumer model that will also include a MM and MC phono pre amp, Involve QS/ Involve SQ, encode and decode, remote controller." coming?

I thinking on using my current Involve Decoder in my car (still thinking on how to do it but i will di it!) and I will need a Surround Master for home. Im also planning on buying a Turntable so I will need a phono pre amp tah was going to be connected to the SM and this model you ar talking about simplyfies things a lot

any news on this product, what will be the pricing of the consumer model?
Hi Inkubuzz

We are still working on it the current progress is waiting for bits......we should have both the assembled pcb's and metalwork within 3 weeks, then testing etc. Actually this initial version is the studio recording version with balanced isolated inputs, the MM/ MC add on is still to be designed and that work should start also in say 3 weeks.

So given usual delays/ stuffups/ life/ Xmas and loosing our way I suspect the first production versions to be available late February early March 2014......good things come to those who wait.



I can't wait to get one of those! One thing I hope is that in addition to Involve (IES Matrix?) encoding and QS encoding that it will also have an SQ Encoder and that all the encoders will be of the "Position Encoder" type and not just 4:2:4 or 5:2:5 encoders because with the position encoder you can dial any input to any location in the 360 circle and get exactly correct encoding that will not have any artifacts in stereo nor be positioned incorrectly when decoded - or at the wrong level, all of which can happen with the 'standard' encoders. Both SQ and QS had problems in encoding and decoding with their original standard encoders ntil the Posiion Encoders were developed. And the RM matrix always required a position encoder.

Of course, even if it doesn't have SQ encoding and stuff, I'm still be super excited to get one so I can do more advanced encoding and have more control. I just love the results I'm getting and can't wait to record my friends band, Frequency Fun House, in surround - I'm taking the encoder with me to Abq on Thursday since she has the multitracks from their recordings and she also has a mixing desk and a Mac OS X mixing program, so we'll be remixing their demo album in Involve and if you like it, you'll have full rights to use it and give out CD's or offer downloads with no royalties or payments required.
Great, that gives me time to save some money for the cosumer encoder/decoder, phono preamp and turntable. Allthe records I have will have to wait to get scratched :D
Hi All

It's quiet- too quiet out there!

We have been very busy over the past few months and several of our projects are scheduled to "pop out" in early May. One project that I consider to be absolutely critical is our studio encoder/ decoder (to be followed by the consumer encoder/ decoder/ preamp/ phono unit-with HDMI). The electronics have tested well and we are working on the manufacture process and cosmetics.

I have attached two photo's for your interest. Final price is yet to be established but my best guess will be around $2k. Please note we offer a small stand alone encoder for $695 as a cheaper option, its not on our web pages but just write an email to us if you want one.

I look forwards to your comments, please note this encoder is OEM badged for VA acoustics- a local Melbourne company that has been first to sign up.




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Very cool! Any pictures/drawings of the consumer model? Ballpark cost of the consumer model? Thanks - love getting the inside scope on your stuff!
Hi Chucky, thanks for sharing the update and pictures. The unit looks great, an efficient look and intuitive set of buttons. Just one question, what are the buttons at the front LF-RF etc for, to mute the output?

The new Involve logo looks nice too, althought I cannot see a link to your company name or product. What is the philosophy behind it?

Thanks. Good luck with rolling out of the new products, and looking forward to the consumer version.
A nice looking piece of kit.

I particularly like the idea of a consumer unit with both HDMI & analogue, will the consumer unit decode QS & SQ? It would be great if it did. Any guess-estimate on the price of the consumer unit? UK import duty & VAT push the price up quite a bit, so I'll start putting money aside now to pay for it!
Hi All

Thank you for your comments, we really do take notice and feed your suggestions into our designs.

In answer to your specific questions:

1 Consumer model will look almost identical to the studio unit except the rear panel with the transformer isolated XLR inputs and outputs is replaced with MM and MC phono inputs and a HDMI connector

2 Consumer market target price is about the same at $2k ...ish.

3 "the buttons at the front LF-RF" are not buttons they are level adjust knobs to satisfy all those who had issues of establishing the right level mix to the centers and rears.

4 The new Involve logo was inspired by the great work Swinburne University of Melbourne did for us with the development of the new Y speaker profile we use with our new flagship technology "Total Perspective" (see the coming new technology thread). The 4 sides of the surround is indicating "surround" - I hope (it works in my pea brain).

5 Now for the curly question of will it have Involve/ QS/ SQ decode. Dunno yet as we are again having internal discussions about this my advice from our marketing types is NO SQ as we do not wish to promote this - our push is Involve encode. I personally do not agree and am advocating having SQ. We shall see. It certainly will never happen on the studio unit.

