Well I would go see this if it were showing in Toronto at the IMAX with Laser, but it looks like it's only going to show in non-premium screens at Cineplex locations here and unfortunately for Canadians even the "UltraAVX" screens, which is supposed to stand for Ultimate Audio Video eXperience, are just 2K projectors with bulbs, so crappy black levels, poor contrast and lots of ambient lighting from safety signs. Only good thing would be an Atmos mix, but it looks like it's not even playing in UAVX screens so super old 5.1 only.
The IMAX in Toronto that's laser even has dark green exit signs, virtually no ambient lighting as the outside halls are totally sealed off and behind other exits to begin with (ie, around corners) and it's dual 4K laser so inky blacks and truly amazing.
If you are in a location in the US close to a Dolby Cinema and it's playing there, it would definitely be worth it IMO regardless of what your home system is given they're not doing a UHD home release. 127 Dolby Cinema locations in the US, man...Cineplex in Canada is bloody WAAAAAAAY behind. these days I can barely stomach the cinema but I will drive 90 mins to Toronto for a 1.43:1 IMAX feature. Next Wonder Woman movie will have true IMAX scenes and of course the next Nolan movie too. Sorry, getting off topic.