I am going to sell my cd4-50 and i have 2. One has an issue with something other than the chip, just have not figured it out yet, and if anyone could come up with a schematic for a cd4-50 it would help, no one has ever seen one. So if someone wants to take a chance on that one i will take offers, but i will also take offers on the the cd4-50 which works, which is a wonderful unit. Best unit ever made other than the cd41000. It has been reworked to exceed specs. All this old equipment needs special care to survive and sound even better that it originally was made. If anyone is interested in the cd4-50 give me a reasonable bid. Not sure if i should ebay it or get it to a quadfellow here, but cash would certainly be a motivating factor in getting it boxed.
In fact i have been watching these comparisons with a bit of amusement, as rooms, equipment and speakers all vary which can influence sound. The other item that can change it, is if equipment has been upgraded. I was chatting when this came back.
[FONT="] I have an SQ model Surround Master myself. And, I’ve done extensive testing comparing it to the QSD-1, QSD-1000, Tate II and Space & Image Composer. Right off, I would say anyone else trying to compare would be deceived if their original quad decoder isn’t restored. The Surround Master will blow them away just for “sound quality” and frequency response range. However, if the original quad decoder is restored………that comparison becomes a non-issue. Then it’s just about separation and directional steering. And, that’s where the Surround Master whether with QS versus the Sansui’s or SQ versus the Fosgate units (TATE II/S&IC) comes in 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] place against any of them. For SQ, I still go the restored S&IC as my primary decoder, and for QS it’s the QSD-1000. And, what the masses may not understand is that I am in NO WAY slamming the Surround Master! It’s an awesome unit, and for $500 gives you without a doubt the “next best” decoder to any of the QS or SQ pinnacle units. And, it’s performance is no doubt VERY close…….but better? No way. For those that don’t already own one of the top 4 decoders……..it really makes more sense to buy a Surround Master than invest in restoring one of the original decoders. BUT, for no compromise absolute best decoding in either format………the Sansui’s and Tate/S&IC still haven’t been bested. I actually use my Surround Master frequently…………..whenever I want to decode to 5.1…….I’ll use it! And, it’s my primary decoder for stereo TV & movies that I stream to get a decent 5.1 presentation. But, if I’m listening to QS or SQ encoded ……….then it’s my original decoders for sure!