LAFAYETTE SQ W vs the Sansui QSD -2 (SQ part)


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Going down the Quad Rabbit Hole
QQ Supporter
May 10, 2012
Queens, New York
Hello everyone. I am cleaning (selling) some Quadraphonic Hardware, from receivers to decoders/demodulators and had a question about the LAFAYETTE SQ W, not the variable one, (I have the L too and I don't know why) if its better than the Sansui QSD 2 - SQ part of it.
At the present time I have the Sansui QSD 2 connected to my quad set up that are mostly Pioneer pieces (early 1970's look)
Any replies would be helpful.
The Lafayette SQ W (the one with vari-blend) was considered second only to the Tate decoders. I did have the (non-variable) one for awhile, is was very good as well compared with other full logic decoders.

I don't have a QSD-2 but do have the Photlume (QSD-2 clone) and it does a good job with SQ. They (Sansui) call it half logic. It produces a smoother decode but perhaps with less separation than the Lafayette. Which is better would be pretty much a subjective choice/opinion.

Myself I've been spoiled by the Tate decoders, most notably the Space & Image Composer, so nothing else sounds as good to me!
I would definitely give the edge to the Sansui QSD 2 for QS and quad Synthesizer options . It has a basic SQ matrix I think but I might be wrong.

Lafayette made very good SQ Decoders, so decoding SQ encoded material should be quite decent. I never had one , but many others who did , loved their Decoders.
Best in SQ would be a "Tate Decoder", which is highly sought after by anyone who has a large SQ library.
Both Audionics , and Fosgate made these Decoders.
Hello everyone. I am cleaning (selling) some Quadraphonic Hardware, from receivers to decoders/demodulators and had a question about the LAFAYETTE SQ W, not the variable one, (I have the L too and I don't know why) if its better than the Sansui QSD 2 - SQ part of it.
At the present time I have the Sansui QSD 2 connected to my quad set up that are mostly Pioneer pieces (early 1970's look)
Any replies would be helpful.
If you have a number of Quad records QS and SQ and want to get the best from them without problems you will not go past the Surround Master everything else is second best Tate units are 45 years old QSD1 about the same and are unrepairable if the chips are broke
You get a 3 band QS the same as the QSD1 and the first 3 Band SQ decoder in the one unit