This morning, trying to watch your videos in chronological order, I wasn't fast enough getting your first review of Hemispheres in the queue and Alan Parsons in Surround popped up after your Avalon episode. I went with the flow and then took it as a sign I should get started on a research paper! Which I'm still avoiding. But thinking of a FILL IN THE BLANK In Surround format, you might have some good fodder for future shows there. I know Quadio and Brick have already shown up in posts to you. And you spoke of doing shows on artists Steven Wilson has worked his magic on (KIng Crimson, Yes, Tull, XTC, Gentle Giant, . . .). Looking at your eye/ear candy rack, Homogenic keeps popping out at me--I'd love a Bjork (multi?) episode (and you could go through variations on pronunciations as you did in one of your early shows). A number of Elton John discs leap out at me, too--that might be a fun (multi?) episode. Dylan! Steely Dan--oo! and I'm often blown away when I read on QQ the list of surround mixes that have been completed but not released--I'd prolly have a heart attack if those Steely Dan discs saw the light of day . . . if I do, Ima write in my will that they are to be played at my wake! And speaking of wake, how about all the hip discs QQ has me woke to? I see Nosound on your rack (that could be another whole or multi-episode extravaganza). And some other gems that I have purchased because I read about them on QQ (hell, it was prolly YOU who wrote about them!!!): Refused--The Shape of Punk to Come, Rambient--So Many Worlds, Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band could be another "In Surround" episode . . . phuque! I best start that research paper!