Life in Surround - Surround Music Review and Discussion YouTube Channel


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This morning, trying to watch your videos in chronological order, I wasn't fast enough getting your first review of Hemispheres in the queue and Alan Parsons in Surround popped up after your Avalon episode. I went with the flow and then took it as a sign I should get started on a research paper! Which I'm still avoiding. But thinking of a FILL IN THE BLANK In Surround format, you might have some good fodder for future shows there. I know Quadio and Brick have already shown up in posts to you. And you spoke of doing shows on artists Steven Wilson has worked his magic on (KIng Crimson, Yes, Tull, XTC, Gentle Giant, . . .). Looking at your eye/ear candy rack, Homogenic keeps popping out at me--I'd love a Bjork (multi?) episode (and you could go through variations on pronunciations as you did in one of your early shows). A number of Elton John discs leap out at me, too--that might be a fun (multi?) episode. Dylan! Steely Dan--oo! and I'm often blown away when I read on QQ the list of surround mixes that have been completed but not released--I'd prolly have a heart attack if those Steely Dan discs saw the light of day . . . if I do, Ima write in my will that they are to be played at my wake! And speaking of wake, how about all the hip discs QQ has me woke to? I see Nosound on your rack (that could be another whole or multi-episode extravaganza). And some other gems that I have purchased because I read about them on QQ (hell, it was prolly YOU who wrote about them!!!): Refused--The Shape of Punk to Come, Rambient--So Many Worlds, Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band could be another "In Surround" episode . . . phuque! I best start that research paper!
Toy Matinee might be a cool one to review. The album isn't particularly well known, and the surround mix is one of the best I've ever heard.

its fab! its also long out of print and one of the perennial problems for people getting into the surround music hobby is just getting discs!
its an issue many of us face/have faced, a lot of cool stuff's pricey/hard to find now.. its upto Baggy but i'd focus more on titles that are readily available or it might deter people when they fall in love with surround but then can't expand their collections and let their love grow because they can't find Toy Matinee (or whatever the recommendation is!) ah i dunno.. point is, consider doing a feature on rare/htf titles but maybe stick to in-print things?
its fab! its also long out of print and one of the perennial problems for people getting into the surround music hobby is just getting discs!
its an issue many of us face/have faced, a lot of cool stuff's pricey/hard to find now.. its upto Baggy but i'd focus more on titles that are readily available or it might deter people when they fall in love with surround but then can't expand their collections and let their love grow because they can't find Toy Matinee (or whatever the recommendation is!) ah i dunno.. point is, consider doing a feature on rare/htf titles but maybe stick to in-print things?

But conversely, Adam, SO many choice Surround Titles remain OOP and part of the 'excitement' IS the ART OF THE PURSUIT....... At least prospective buyers should be made somewhat aware the titles are no longer available.....but may show up one day .... at an affordable price somewhere on the worldwide net........even on QQ forum where posters are constantly selling off their collections!
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Good points made here. I do want to talk about awesome titles, whether they are OOP or not. I want to attract viewers and mammoth titles will help with that.
Not only to build the channel, but to possibly convert non-surroundies to the Way of the Surround, when they realize a favorite album is in surround. And maybe they have an HTS to watch GoT or something.

I can discuss whether a title is in print or not, and how to best find it.

Cheapskate Baggins has quite a few OOP forbidden fruits though. It isn't always possible to find desired titles affordably, but I do pretty well.

Strategy-wise, I want to find a balance between popular and obscure, in-print and out, individual huge titles and the box or brick they might come in, album reviews vs. hobby topics, etc.

One thing that keeps me going is the HUNDREDS of awesome titles I have that I want the world to know about!
Good points made here. I do want to talk about awesome titles, whether they are OOP or not. I want to attract viewers and mammoth titles will help with that.
Not only to build the channel, but to possibly convert non-surroundies to the Way of the Surround, when they realize a favorite album is in surround. And maybe they have an HTS to watch GoT or something.

I can discuss whether a title is in print or not, and how to best find it.

Cheapskate Baggins has quite a few OOP forbidden fruits though. It isn't always possible to find desired titles affordably, but I do pretty well.

Strategy-wise, I want to find a balance between popular and obscure, in-print and out, individual huge titles and the box or brick they might come in, album reviews vs. hobby topics, etc.

One thing that keeps me going is the HUNDREDS of awesome titles I have that I want the world to know about!

And wouldn't it be a hoot, Mike, if you could actually interview Elliot Scheiner and/or Bob Clearmountain via skype and pick their brains as to what's lurking UNRELEASED in the vaults and their philosophy on remixing for surround?

Ohhhhhh, the possibilities.
And wouldn't it be a hoot, Mike, if you could actually interview Elliot Scheiner and/or Bob Clearmountain via skype and pick their brains as to what's lurking UNRELEASED in the vaults and their philosophy on remixing for surround?

Ohhhhhh, the possibilities.
Yes, yes it would. Bruce Soord, Jan Printz, etc.
But conversely, Adam, SO many choice Surround Titles remain OOP and part of the 'excitement' IS the ART OF THE PURSUIT....... At least prospective buyers should be made somewhat aware the titles are no longer available.....but may show up one day .... at an affordable price somewhere on the worldwide net........even on QQ forum where posters are constantly selling off their collections!

you're telling me, Ralphiepie..!! 😄
no word of a boast, i doubt there can be too many Quaddies in the land of the living/Quadding who so artfully pursued out of print surround stuff across all the formats (dead or alive) with as much voracity as little ol' moi over the years! 🗓📈📉📊🔎 🕵️‍♂️

that said, i take on board what you're saying 👍
you'll note, however, i didn't suggest eschewing the oop/htf stuff altogether, just maybe consider not deterring newcomers to the hobby by making them feel like "all" the really cool stuff is thoroughly unattainable by going on about it as much as all the cool in print stuff they can buy at retail.

yours conversely,
Indiana Blue and the tomb raiders of the lost holy grail of diskettes and cartridgesssss 😘
I generally want to be poised to do videos on new releases fairly quickly, while they're fresh.
Just yesterday, somebody purchased Styx - The Mission, because of the video review. That is winning.

Not a lot of new stuff, right now, unfortunately.

I bought The Mission after seeing your review also, and glad I did:love:
I haven't watched the video yet (will do shortly), but when I saw your comment about PTSD, I thought I'd share something I read the other day in Why We Sleep by Mathew Walker as it's very pertinent to coping with and overcoming PTSD.

As someone who has studied just about every aspect of sleep for decades, Walker mentions, among many other things, that noradrenaline is the chemical in the brain that disrupts our ability to dream during REM sleep and that missing out on this part of sleep affects a person's natural ability to detach strong negative emotions from traumatic experiences. It turns out, however, that the epiphenomena of the drug Prazosin (I think it's usually prescribed for high blood pressure) is that it somehow counteracts noradrenaline, which then allows someone with PTSD, for example, to get on with the body's natural trauma therapy that takes place during REM sleep - a bit like a broken record getting past a neverending nightmare jump and playing somewhat normally thereafter.

I wouldn't presume to know the best way for you to cope with and/or overcome PTSD, and I certainly wouldn't suggest that what I'm saying here can in any way be considered as a replacement for qualified medical advice - I'm not a medical practitioner! But if you find your current and/or future PTSD treatment isn't effective, it might be worth mentioning the side effects of Prazosin (i.e. it counteracts noradrenaline) to your doctor in case it's something worth trying for yourself. The other caveat to add is that Walker notes that studies show Prazosin wasn't effective in this regard in all cases, but in general, the results were astonishingly positive!
Some surround content here, and definitely some life content...
Thank you for your caring understanding, my QQ family...
So... I have PTSD...

Break You, Michael ..... NEVER! You're too whole for that. Talk is never cheap when it pertains to matters of the heart and you've got plenty of that. PTSD has broken many a man ........ men who have seen what war has done not only to their fellow soldier-brothers but to innocent women and children and their fathers and husbands, as well, who never asked for these futile wars in the first place.

Living in America or peaceful areas of the globe, unless you have served [I have during the Vietnam 'conflict' but was kept stateside] it's totally unimaginable the horrors you and countless others have experienced firsthand. Atrocities that you can't even speak about but experience in your minds over and over .......A war movie and a horror movie folded into one inexplicable nightmare chaotically orchestrated in the minds of men hellbent on ignoring lessons from past wars and blindly seeking a just cause .... which is never that.

Michael....your music IS your heart......your outlet to temporarily drowning out your past life.......because you are living a NEW life with people who genuinely love you and care for your well being. To forget that past ...... is nigh impossible ....for now and maybe for always but you're HERE now ........ you're productive're creative ...... you're talented and that you made this poignant video wasn't a cry for help ...... it was an affirmation that you finally admitted what was wrong, is wrong and that road to correcting it might at first be dim .......... but will glow brighter with each passing day.

They say depression is sometimes anger turned inward........and you have nothing to be angry about. You did what you thought was right serving your country. But now it's time for your country to serve you. You'll only get better if you know yourself better........and if you have bouts of anger .... or cry ....... then do so but realize why you're doing it and eventually those emotions too will pass supplanted by that happiness you experienced the day you wed your wife or the day little Baggy was born........because they and your family and friends want Mike back ..... whole ..... and intact ......and in good voice to create that masterpiece of composition you know you have locked within your soul...which was written from that BIG heart of yours.

When my dad passed away in '91, I wrote his eulogy and the first line is applicable to all of us who want to go back to that place in time to rekindle our innocence: "He would have wanted to retrace his childhood steps through the wilderness and find that rainbow he left there ... a long time ago!"

I hope we can all find that rainbow, Michael ...but most especially you. It's YOUR TIME! 🌈
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I just watched the video, Mike, and well done for deciding to take advantage of the support options to which you're entitled. And your waveform analogy couldn't have described things any better. With PTSD, without PTSD, with a razor-sharp haircut or looking like a 'bum', you're the one and only Mike Viera and we accept you as you are :)

There's so much to say, so many ways to say we love you, but sometimes cheesy pop says it best...
