Metallica The Black Album Review
Thank you, QQ friends, for being among 300 subscribers!
Thank you, QQ friends, for being among 300 subscribers!
Hey, I've got my San Jose Earthquakes to worry about!The channel map illustrations are a really helpful addition in the videos Baggy... They look great!
Maybe you could have a word with the Arsenal FC squad so that we play a bit better this season?!
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^^^Anybody going to make an offer on that Marillion FEAR blu-ray? Is it legit that Racket Records sent out replacements?
First of all, thanks for watching. Second, I'm really tempted to at least make an offer, but I don't know if the disc is legitimate and I'm also honestly really happy with the SACD!No way, San Jose! That’s a ridiculous price?!Great video though! I’m sure many a member on QQ knows what it’s like to go through... Hmmm, can I justify this?!
Lesson for the records labels is that they should just bloody reissue! Every resale is potential profit missed out by them... They should just sell online downloads...
First of all, thanks for watching. Second, I'm really tempted to at least make an offer, but I don't know if the disc is legitimate and I'm also honestly really happy with the SACD!
Agreed! But also, in the video, I point out someone on eBay selling a supposed official stand-alone for around $80. Still too much for me and not sure whether it's a knock-off or not!I don’t know that much about the title but $380 vs $15 - wow that would really have to be an impressive upgrade in the mix!I don’t think I could ever justify it?!
Agreed! But also, in the video, I point out someone on eBay selling a supposed official stand-alone for around $80. Still too much for me and not sure whether it's a knock-off or not!
IIRC, some listeners suspect folding of the fronts in to the center or something like that. But maybe they're just different mastering?Based on the waveform pics posted here, the two mixes really don't look all that different.
Based on the waveform pics posted here, the two mixes really don't look all that different.
IIRC, some listeners suspect folding of the fronts in to the center or something like that. But maybe they're just different mastering?
To my ears, at least, the SACD actually sounds pretty danged good!
Enjoyed the video Mike. Keep on bringing it!
I've never heard the DVD-A of Ah Via Musicom but I would strongly recommend you take it off your list. Check out the first post on this link to the Steve Hoffman Forums. I don't need to say any more..
We've all heard the nonconstructive criticisms of the "mono/stereo only" crowd more times than we care to. However, the surround naysayers notwithstanding, I agree with you, @sjcorne, that this particular version should have never seen the light of day."This will be just the tip of this surround sound remix iceberg."
I've heard it, and IMO the biggest issue isn't so much that they used a few alternate takes and more that it sounds like an upmix...
Enjoyed the video Mike. Keep on bringing it!
I've never heard the DVD-A of Ah Via Musicom but I would strongly recommend you take it off your list. Check out the first post on this link to the Steve Hoffman Forums. I don't need to say any more..