Great summary video and some excellent choices by both of you

. A shame that Ryan put forward some new release music surround discs as some of his choices, but Mike didn't!
Like Ryan I only have a 5.1 set up, not Atmos. I have no intention of increasing my number of speakers in the near future, but I have recently changed my amplifier with excellent results (that I didn't really expect). My new amplifier is a Denon that is Atmos capable, whereas my previous one wasn't. Previously when I played Atmos mixes on discs the amp would play them as 5.1 and show TrueHD on the display. Now this new amp shows Atmos on the display. Obviously I'm not playing true Atmos as I haven't added speakers to my set up, but the mixes sound a hell of a lot better. Definitely more spread around the room. I'm currently listening to Tears for Fears The Hurting Atmos mix. Up until now the Atmos mix on that disc sounded horrible on my 5.1 system. The dedicated 5.1 mix is excellent of course. But now, WOW, the Atmos mix is sounding superb, much better than the 5.1 and a million times better than the Atmos mix previously sounded on my system. I don't know what the science is here. This is definitely not a case of subconscious bias, over the past few days I've listened anew to the Atmos mixes of Crimson's Red and Larks Tongues, Who's Next, Gentle Giant's Free Hand and Elton's Diamonds, all with improved results. I think the amp might be doing some sort of "Atmos height virtualisation", but whatever its doing I'm loving it, and I'm going to be enjoying revisiting the various Atmos mixes I already have on discs in the next few weeks
