Listening to Now (Derived/Fake Surround-Specify Method)


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800 Club - QQ All-Star
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Dec 13, 2011
Apologies if this belongs in another thread, but along with enjoying Atmos and 5.1 mixes on Apple Music, I've also enjoyed listening to some stereo mixes in pseudo-surround via my receiver's surround modes. I've especially enjoyed some older music from these bands:

Lunatic Soul
The Pineapple Thief

I hope some of this music is eventually released in genuine surround or Atmos.
Apologies if this belongs in another thread, but along with enjoying Atmos and 5.1 mixes on Apple Music, I've also enjoyed listening to some stereo mixes in pseudo-surround via my receiver's surround modes. I've especially enjoyed some older music from these bands:

Lunatic Soul
The Pineapple Thief

I hope some of this music is eventually released in genuine surround or Atmos.
just curious what "pseudo-surround" mode do you like the most off your receiver?
I reconnected my CD-4 demod, made a stereo DVD-R of LB and RB from the Alice Cooper MoL Quadradisc, now listening to that w/DPL2 music mode.

It's unusual, to say the least.

Kirk Bayne
Completely forgot about this thread! (@GOS: as the thread-starter of "Listening to this surround UPMIX," would you prefer that all talk of DSP-based auto-slash-algorithmic upmixing happen here instead, and save the other thread for the deliberate/intentional work of carbon-based upmixers?)
Makes sense to me, usually an up-mix via Penteo or SpecWeb etc. uses some additional driver controlled processing, and a Surround Master decode has it's own thread also. I also believe there's one out there by our good man @kap'n krunch somewhere :unsure:
Makes sense to me, usually an up-mix via Penteo or SpecWeb etc. uses some additional driver controlled processing, and a Surround Master decode has it's own thread also. I also believe there's one out there by our good man @kap'n krunch somewhere :unsure:

Okay; I'll flag this post and see if one of the mods can find time to gather all those threads into one area--or at least put it on their list. Probably not a huge priority. (I think the SM thread is something like "Things that sound AMAZING with the Surround Master"?)
We can do whatever seems sensible - do you think this thread should go in to the Stereo to Surround Upmixing forum?

I could also re-title the thread to reflect that it's for receiver-based DSP modes or something if that would clarify things further.
Sounds OK to me Dave, but I do believe the Surround Master "Things that sound AMAZING with the Surround Master" thread should stay within the Involve forum.
Yeah, I'm only speaking about this thread specifically - it seems it would be more appropriate in the Stereo to Surround Upmixing forum than where it is now, Music Matters (Non Surround).
Possibly add to the Upmix thread title a reference to synthesized (pseudo) surround sound too (which would cover DynaQuad, matrix quad decoder synthesizing [with or without logic] and receiver based synthesized surround) and combine the upmix and matrix/synthesized/pseudo posts there.

Kirk Bayne
Just my two cents, but I believe that the original Upmix thread started by @GOS and this AVR Pseurround thread should remain separate.

I’ve recently been ripping a lot of my CDs and have been thoroughly enjoying playing them via my Yamaha’s various DSPs (favorite and most universally applicable one being one called ‘7ch enhancer’). The byproduct, although quite enjoyable in most cases, usually doesn’t compare to the excellent upmixes produced by some of our amazing resident sound design artists like @J. PUPSTER , @holland123 or @sjcorne to name a few of my favs.

I personally think it would be an injustice to lump the two together.
We won't be merging the threads as they cover two different topics. I think this thread is fine as it is now, and in the right place.
Migrating over to this thread after squatting (and misposting) in "Listening to this surround UPMIX" for a couple of weeks. I've become a zealous convert to the DSU (Dolby Surround, a/k/a Dolby Surround Upmixer) DSP on my Marantz AVR--with the "center spread" feature activated. I have a 5.1.4 setup. Listening now to Valentine (Blue Note, 2020), Bill Frisell's beautiful trio album with Thomas Morgan on bass and Rudy Royston on drums. Frisell is one of those guys I respect more than I love, but this is one of his winners. The DSU spreads all three instruments across the fronts & front heights, with loads of guitar reverb in the rears and long cymbal decay in the rears & rear heights. Really enveloping. I'm listening to 16/44.1 FLACs, but it's also available in hi-res FLAC and on SHM-CD as well as RBCD and the streaming services.

Norwegian tubist Daniel Herskedal, Call for Winter (Edition Records, 2020). Atmos 5.4.1 DSU upmix from 16/44.1 stereo FLACs.

Ambient fans here would like this guy, I think. I've got a bunch of his albums, some of which I'd call ensemble chamber-jazz. But this one is all him, multi-tracked, on tuba and bass trumpet. And even though the tuba, like the banjo or the bagpipes, is often the punchline of various musical jokes, believe me: Herskedal does things on the instrument you wouldn't believe, starting with his gorgeous tone and his multi-octave range. He's also pretty good at evoking whale-song (!).

Anyway: pretty amazing what the DSU can do with this. Whenever there's a solo line with multi-tracked tuba-choir harmonies (which is most of the time), it manages to double the choir--without the solo--in the rears. That plus ambience in the overheads makes this super "atmospheric."
I'm going to try to limit myself to albums that the DSU really does an outstanding job with. This is one of them: Franco-American chamber jazz inspired by early/mid-century French classical music. Piano-cello-trombone trio; trombonist Ryan Keberle, one of the best players out there today, has an absolutely gorgeous tone. Available in CD and hi-res download, although it should also be on the streaming services:
Another one: British pianist Rick Simpson leads a powerful quintet (sometimes you'd swear it was an ensemble twice the size) in truly imaginative takes on Kid A that bring out the compositions' built-in swing and jazz harmonies. On my 5.1.4 system, the DSU makes it sound quasi-discrete on the horizontal plane (on several tracks, it manages to put the lead tenor in the fronts and baritone sax in the rears) with some ambient vertical "lift."