Isn't this the same thread topic?
Yes, maybe they should be merged, possibly with a note in the thread name to please mention what sort of device was used to create the fake quad.
edit: maybe rename and merge this thread - " fake Surround Sound"
Would cover everything from 3 speaker (Hafler - passive decoder) to 7.1.4 Atmos et al.
Kirk Bayne
oh man @humprof , gonna have to start reading Good ole Willie's The Tempest .. I LOVE that old Classic stuff.. you know, I re-read Don QUixote recently (tip, the SECOND book is the masterpiece)Dolby Surround Upmixer (with Center Spread) on my 5.1.4 system gives this sparely recorded new release a "you are there" feel:
I would take issue with the term "fake". I listen to virtually all stereo via either the S&IC stereo enhance mode or via QS surround mode, The effect is anything but fake. Rather the stereo image is simply stretched out 270°, nothing is fake! It is like listening to stereo through a magnifying glass.Responding to the "report" for the thread (before reading SteelyDave's posts) - I submit this for potential thread name:
Listening to Now (Fake Surround-Specify Method)