Van Halen - Diver Down 96/24

Van Halen - Fair Warning 96/24
Man, this is one of my all time favorites. It is so bad ass and rocks hard. Pretty dark for VH I think.
Pretty interesting listening to these songs today. The very last song called ONE FOOT OUT THE, what a vicious, dark rocker. It totally reminds me of early Soundgarden or something like that. You think this was the early version of that musical style??? It very well could be. Check this out. Forget Diamond Dave and focus on the guitar riff going on in the background....WOW!!!
Van Halen - Diver Down 96/24
Thanks Gene, you reminded me to purchase this FLAC, had my eye on it and i forgot, got The Rascals Greatest Hits while I was at it. Windy is a big song from my youth, love it.
It's pretty good sounding really.
ELO - A New World Record in 24/192. A great listening experience, "Shangri-La" still gives me goosebumps after all these years.