Lou Dorren's QQ CD-4 Demodulator: Pre-Order List


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Please put me down for one unit and two spare styli to travel out here to Australia.

Thanks Lou for the great opportunity. I better go tell my wife the cost and see if I survive!

QQ Running Total: [72]

Thought I'd best put my hand up and say that in the short term I am no longer able to afford this. FInacially, things have changed for the worst in the intervening 15 months since I made my interest known. My eldest daughter just got married and I'm in the middle of buying a home for an elder relative. Maybe this will pass by the time the unit becomes available but I can't see that clearly to commit at the moment.
I check in periodiacally to see what the progress is - and like others I've had some 'fluctuations' in personal finances recently: not least of which caused by a burglary where ALL my computer equipment was stolen on Dec 10th 2009.

My situation may be extreme (or not?) but I reckon other people are hurting out there too...

what I would propose to Lou and or Jon is that the rules be re-aligned to take into account the passing of time since the original 'offer' and the now very different circumstances that many of us MAY be experiencing.

By the way I'm still very intererested in owning one of these new demod's... it's just that I hope I've got the funds when the time comes!

Lou: Would you consider making some kind of commitment to keeping units on stand-by for those that have ordered them, say for 6 months or so? I know it's a lot to ask and maybe there is a better way but I thought I'd just get this subject out in the open.

Hey Lou:
I missed the part about reconfirming the demod. I reconfirm, I am not too badly hit by the recession, at least not yet. I want one demod and a couple of extra stylii.

The Quadfather

P.S. Those of you hurt by the recession, I feel for you. Hang in there, it might get worse, but at some time it will get better. Let's hope the dollar doesn't collapse. With our government printing and spending money like a scorned woman in a nasty divorce, it may take awhile for things to get better. I wish I could offer more hope, but that wouldn't be honest. If there is any way you can swing the demod, better jump on it, it is more than likely your only chance. Good luck!
Sure put me in for one and a cartridge with two styli please. I have a request in also on an earlier post.

Glenn Halteman Reading, PA
If we are supposed to re-confirm, I'm still in.

2 Demodulators with 2 pickup heads w/stili.

Let me know when & how much.

I am going to have to cancel my order.
When the situation improves, I will see if there are any left and then I'll order it.
Until then.
You may erase me from the pre order list.
Re-confirming, I'm still in for 1 demodulator plus cartridge. Will this thing ever happen?

Remember that Lou is doing this as a hobby, a "free-time" personal project. He currently is running a record label and is involved in many things that will work to promote surround music, not to mention having a real life and everything that goes with it.

The last I heard from him was that he was getting close to having a unit to ship me for evaluation, however there is still no time table. When we have some more info to post, we'll post it here.
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