As a companion to my BBC Radio Show Index originally posted In June, I have just posted a similar index focusing on the mid-'70's BBC quad radio broadcasts done in Matrix H and HJ formats. I have also posted significant updates to my other previous radio show indices from that date.
From some of the feedback I received from my first postings, I got directed to some forum threads and learned more of the nature and extent of these unique broadcasts. From this I initiated some research and received helpful input from others that encouraged me to create and just now post a specific index of these broadcasts.
As with my previous indices, I again honestly state that these are 'rough' versions that I plan to reformat later, though that effort could take me some time. So it may be worth checking back on it in a number of months, to view the improvements.
Should you be interested to check out this new addition, please follow the initial link at:
If you follow the links in this main page, it will take you to the new index at, as well as the multi-page sections that are devoted to the King Biscuit Flower Hour and the BBC Transcription Services & BBC Rock Hour programs. These include the cumulative indices for these shows as well. As stated, these are intended to be 'works in process' and are not assumed to be completely accurate or totally comprehensive. There are acknowledged holes in them and my hope is that I will receive clarifying input from viewers, so that I can update and refine these pages over time.
Therefore, I would sincerely appreciate feedback on specific content, clarity of the format, and with any general comments regarding this effort.
Feel free to share this link with any others whom you feel would be interested.
I hope that you find these new pages enjoyable and informative.