Track 15 - The Capitalist Machine is reference material for sure, especially if you have a good subwoofer. And I only have 5.1, I bet it’s even better in Atmos. Play it loud!
IAA does. Maybe they'll pick up this title eventually.$43.17 shipped to USA from the Max Cooper Store. Ouch. I don't think I want it that bad. Too bad nobody sells direct MKV downloads instead of pricey to make and ship BD discs. I just dump them all anyway to put on my server.
Took a punt on this. A couple of listens through, and I can't help but notice that the music sounds like Jon Hopkins, but with even fewer actual tunes. I mean there are moments when a tune kind of seems to be on the cusp of starting, but then it's quickly drowned out by the arch, mechanical, glitchy beats. Which, and lets be blunt about it, Jon Hopkins does better. The videos are redolent of mid-90s Amiga demos. I'm a bit underwhelmed.
I had a similar response to Schiller's Morgenstund in Atmos. I kept waiting for a song to begin, but it just sounded like endless intro synth and string chords. Some of the extras from concerts in Iran were far better, IMO.
The definition of "music" From Merriam-Webster: the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity.Thanks for the warning. The YouTube examples didn't overwhelm me either. How synth pans pass for music is beyond me.
I had a similar response to Schiller's Morgenstund in Atmos. I kept waiting for a song to begin, but it just sounded like endless intro synth and string chords. Some of the extras from concerts in Iran were far better, IMO.
Booka Shade's Dear Future Self took some getting used to (loads of weird synth stuff flying around the room too, but much more precise and entertaining with the Atmos effects and more importantly loads of bass, drums and rhythms (house/trance), not just atmospheric music to fall asleep by. (Booka Shade's other Atmos album Galvany Street is far more traditional pop/rock by comparison).
Thanks for the heads up @haikubass - Checking this one out, but the shipping to USA from Germany is a whopping $18.March 25th: Words is accompanied by a visual story which unfolds through 13 short films by a range of visual artists commissioned and directed by Max Cooper.
Pressed to Blu-ray for optimum Dolby Atmos Mixes by String and Tins with Max Cooper and Niels Orens.
Product made in Germany by Pure Audio.
and also found the video just dropped (surprised it’s only 360p?)Thanks for the heads up @haikubass - Checking this one out, but the shipping to USA from Germany is a whopping $18.
The visuals will no doubt be impressive I’d bet though. Boy, I sure hope this can be had by other sellers (would also prefer a PayPal option!)
Here’s a bandcamp audio sample for one of the tracks.
- of course it sounds like shit on my little iPhone 8 right now eeeck!
You’re not alone… I just took the hit and ordered it, on the strength of the fact that Emergence is one of the most immersive audio/video experiences in my collection - high expectations for this one and don’t wanna miss out!Hmm. $55 for CD/Blu-Ray shipped to the US. I'll probably spring for it, but gah.
You’re not alone… I just took the hit and ordered it, on the strength of the fact that Emergence is one of the most immersive audio/video experiences in my collection - high expectations for this one and don’t wanna miss out!
hey @dabl how ya doin’ man?FYI Max's team are working to re-issue the out of print Emergence Atmos Blu-Ray.
The best way to get news on this is join the members list to access exclusive music, mixes and first news on new projects -
I'm told that 'Max is also working on another project, and other artists from the label ( are also keen to continue exploring the boundaries and giving them a nudge... we aim to keep you guys amused'.