Me too, however it doesn't look like it's shipped yet.MoFi is releasing Women and Children First. Finally!! I was charged this for both my SACD and Vinyl this morning.
Looks like "Our long national nightmare is over."
Me too, however it doesn't look like it's shipped yet.MoFi is releasing Women and Children First. Finally!! I was charged this for both my SACD and Vinyl this morning.
Ironic, that Rick [cbmmm3] custom built his new house and BARN with State of the Art home theater in less time than it took for MoFi to release all 6 Van Halen SACDs.based on historical average ( or is it hysterical average ) for MOFI VH, Fair Warning should be released this October
I’d say, it’s coming, when it’s coming.based on historical average ( or is it hysterical average ) for MOFI VH, Fair Warning should be released this October
Right ON, Markie, and those VH MQA Japanese 'beauties' are half the price of those MoFi Stereo SACDs and are FULL 24 bit when properly decoded!I ordered Women and Children this morning from the MOFI site, not Music Direct.
So far the very best of recent Van Halen releases are the MQA's from Japan of the Sammy era, absolutely awesome.
By the time MoFi gets ALL these VH Stereo SACDs to market the Gen~Exers will be quizzically scratching their heads asking VAN WHO?I also communicated with MOFI on Facebook and they told me that Fair Warning will ship out late spring. Diver Down late 2025.
Rip Van WrinkleBy the time MoFi gets ALL these VH Stereo SACDs to market the Gen~Exers will be quizzically scratching their heads asking VAN WHO?