Moody Blues "To Our Children's Children's Children" (New Stephen W Tayler 5.1 Mix!)


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Here's the first 30 seconds of "Gypsy" - rear channels only - from the original quad reel, SACD, and Blu-Ray. I'm fairly certain than all three are sourced from the same four-channel master mixed by Tony Clarke & Derek Varnals.

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If the multitracks no longer exist and the quad tapes are all that's available, I'm not sure why they couldn't give us an unaltered transfer of the quad mix instead of (twice now!) trying to doctor them up into a pseudo-5.1 experience.
It's not derived from the quad, it comes from 8 track tapes where a lot of the instruments had been premixed or 'bounced' to stereo pairs - one had to be decisive about the combinations and balances and commit as you went along. So one is faced with certain elements already mixed together.
It's not derived from the quad, it comes from 8 track tapes where a lot of the instruments had been premixed or 'bounced' to stereo pairs - one had to be decisive about the combinations and balances and commit as you went along. So one is faced with certain elements already mixed together.
Hello stephen, and thanks for the clarification with the masters being multi layered tracks to start witch makes sense now.

Ive listened to the 5.1 (only) of this wonderful album a few times now, and I must say
I’m really digging the new mix it’s certainly a fuller and cleaner soundstage than the Quad SACD imo.
I don’t find it front heavy or bright on my rig and really like you bringing up the vocals a tad and blending them around, iam hearing subtleties vocal and instrument not heard before.

I can only hope that you get commissioned to continue the remaining catalog.

I prefer the LPCM over the DTS MA on my system, a very nice companion to the quad will be a lot of fun to AB them.
Still waiting on mine to show up in USPS tracking. Asendia says it cleared customs (no city given but probably NYC), handed to the delivery carrier, and "In Transit - In Country". USPS's tracking says bumpkis "Awaiting package".

And I placed the order with Amz UK the very same day it appeared. They did their part, the Asendia system got it out of the UK within 2 days but now seems to be in the black hole of our "great" system in the good ol' USA. Sheesh.

I feel like GOS, waiting weeks for orders to make it to & through Chicago & magically appear ;)

Probably didn't get scanned at USPS but hopefully will get scanned somewhere in route...or when it's "out for delivery".

Watching & Waiting continues
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Should have posted the above in the general TOCCC thread. Sorry. Hopefully I can post here about its sound, soon!


Making some kind of progress, no thanks to our wonderful USPS :rolleyes:. Asendia just reported it's in Morrow GA, a town south of Atlanta. So, it's on it way.

Ironically, USPS's tracking system seems to be having offline glitches since yesterday. USPS was saying "awaiting package" for several days. That statement I could buy as the order was making its way through customs and getting transferred. However, now when you enter a tracking number, all you get now from USPS is:

"Sorry, we're currently experiencing technical difficulties with our tracking application. We thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue. Please check back." Over & over.

On a happier note, it does seem as if I'll be joining you all in the poll, soon.
I do love this album!
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I see that the lunatic fringe over at SHF are ready to hang @Stephen W Tayler in effigy for what they consider to be egregious stereo and multi-channel mixes. I just received my copy yesterday and have yet to give it a spin, but after Tayler’s superlative work on Be-Bop Deluxe and VDGG, I’m fairly certain I won’t be in agreement with those folks.
It's not derived from the quad, it comes from 8 track tapes where a lot of the instruments had been premixed or 'bounced' to stereo pairs - one had to be decisive about the combinations and balances and commit as you went along. So one is faced with certain elements already mixed together.
This sounds like it was quite a painstaking task to get the right feel and balance from those old 8 track tapes.
Did you receive your copy, Stephen?

Yet to listen to mine...
Listening to mine now.

Firstly, I haven't compared it the SACD release.

I wanted to hear it on its own merits.

It's only in my latter years that I've really begun to appreciate the music of the Moody Blues.

Stephen has captured the true sound of the Moodys and re-mixed it into a very good release.
I guess I should begin by saying that I’ve never really listened to the Moodys although I’ve obviously been exposed to their hits through the years. Additionally, I’ve never heard this specific album til now.

I just cranked the 5.1 and am impressed by both the album and Mr. Tayler’s surround mix. Being 66, I totally dig the cosmic hippie vibe and the immersive and sympathetic mix does a fantastic job placing me in the right head space.

What the hell do those SHF cats know anyway?!!!?