kap'n krunch
2K Club - QQ Super Nova
this one is ...awesome!!! have it on Laserdisc!

Speaking of Bruno Ganz
Its a great film worth watching again. Saw Faraway so close too long ago to remember.......Last week signed up for the Criterion Channel, this is the first thing I watched.
Nick Cave, Peter Falk...
Too bad the follow-up Faraway, So Close! isn't available.
Great score to the original and I remember enjoying the remake too.
Now back to our regular scheduled thread...
with a seductive sword fight...
Crushingly clear caption, RalphieGolly, Brett......from your esoteric music culled from the bowels of Middle Earth to CAR CHASES and SWORD FIGHTS.......what an eclectic life you lead!
Brett Quixote de la Tokyo
Crushingly clear caption, Ralphie
Well, let’s just call it an adventurous affair with Cinematic Archeology.![]()
Speaking of archeology, swords and knife fights...
A bit of trivia: The sword fight was initially supposed to be much longer with Harrison Ford using his whip, but he and much of the crew had a stomach virus, so they cut it short. LOL!!
Brett Quixote de la Tokyo