Music Media Helper (Tools for Multichannel Audio & Music Videos)


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Thanks so much for all the brilliant work!

Quick question, as I couldn't find anything on this in the documentation;
Does the Atmos helper use DEE's 'Optimise data rate' option?

This is quite useful for longer encodes that need to fit on a disc, so far I've been going through the Dolby Media Encoder manually for those.
Also, noticed the Atmos helper leaving all the temp WAV files lying around in my App data folder after a decode is done.
Is this by design or just me?
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I’ll get that cleaned up as part of the new MMH 9 Decoder work I’m doing now. Currently it should be cleaned when the next decoding session starts, but they should actually get deleted on successful decode, especially if you’re doing large files.
Does the Atmos helper use DEE's 'Optimise data rate' option?

I’m not sure what this actually does but I suspect it applies ‘light data reduction’ (the encode is a little lossy), maybe it become a 16bit encode with no data loss?

I’ll take a look at some stage, but the work to add it to MMH 9 is now completed and will be in the next 9 beta release.
A suggestion for future enhancement: on the Remix Channel process, would it be possible to also include the option of re-sample, ie remix 7.1 -> stereo, & also set the re-sampling to go from say 24/96 -> 16/44?

It would just save on a two-pass process (remix, then run re-sample on the output from 1st step)

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A suggestion for future enhancement: on the Remix Channel process, would it be possible to also include the option of re-sample, ie remix 7.1 -> stereo, & also set the re-sampling to go from say 24/96 -> 16/44?

This has now been implemented in MMH 9 and will be available in next MMH 9 beta release.

I use MMH mostly for ATMOS conversions.

I think that for MMH v9 could be interesting to have a more flexible queueing system.

Would be possible to add different files with different settings in the decoder and the encoder queues?

MMH 9 has this implemented for the Atmos Encode queue and will be available in the next MMH 9 beta.

No change to the UI* but the queue now stays running continuously so a user can clear the file encode list and add another set of files with different settings which then can be andded to the existing queue. So for long encodes you can add 6 or more with different encode settings and the queue runs until all are completed. So 1 minute to add a bunch of files, walk away and all get processed from same queue.

Encoder changes in MMH 9:

I’m also implementing this for the Atmos Decode queue, which will now support parallel decoding (like encoding, concurrent file processing)
Encoder queue:

*Both these updated tools now have user defined ‘Max processes’ limit for parallel processing, for users with slow hard drives. Previously Atmos Helper set the value based on the number of processors on the cpu, but never > 4 (to stop hard drive trashing drop to 2 or 3). On SSD drives and especially NVME PCIE 4.0 SSDs (with over 2000MB/s writes & 8000MB/s reads) this can be increased. New PCIE 5.0 NVMEs are even faster!

I plan to release next beta when the new queue system is completed for the decoder.

While on concurrency:
I also want to implement parallel/concurrent conversion and splitting in the ‘Extract Audio from MKV’ tool before official MMH 9 release. This will increase speed of MKV conversions to .m4a (for Atmos) and FLAC etc.