Jon, Personally I'll take a pass.Neil always gets fired up for the new stuff, but then peters out.
Remember DVD-Audio? He held back some of his LPs from CD until DVD-Audio appeared
Remember the Pono? HiRez for the masses
Remember the Super-Saturated DVD discs?
Remember the Achives Vol 1 BluRay, with the perpetual timeline that would be added to FOREVER? With future Volumes to include BluRay audio as well as the online feature?
I love Neil and his music, and as a performer, but his attention span is like mine!![]()
I feel much of Neil's past adventures in the promotion of new technology has
been very focused on fattening his wallet with little interest in the end customer's
well being. The Pono player was a big a snake-oil hustle as I can ever remember
being played on the HiFi community.
Just my opinion, but one I believe which has a lot of experience behind it.
Once (or 2-3 times) bitten, many times shy.