Anthrax “Among The Living” Dolby Atmos Mix


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This mix is out now on tidal and apple. Initial impressions is damn, this new mix is killer. Anthrax always seemed to have a problem with mixing bass thin enough to make Metallica jealous. Whoever mixed it really wanted to highlight Frank Bello's bass by putting it up front in the center channel mostly isolated, and that is a mean bass when you can actually hear it. I put this on not expecting much but found myself gradually increasing the volume until I was in that mosh. It's good, really good. Totally changed my perception of this album. Only downside it it's a front centric mix.
This is the heaviest this album has ever sounded, but it’s disappointing from an immersive perspective.
So many missed opportunities. Almost all elements that would be cool isolated somewhere in the immersive sound field are blasted from the fronts. Looking at YOU, gang vocals.
There are a few exceptional moments, like the very opening of the album and the acoustics at the beginning of A.D.I.
This sounds pretty good. That’s the best I can say.