[new] Quadio (et al.) page on Wikipedia?


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
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Since 2002/2003
Feb 20, 2003
Midwest USA
I was thinking that since it could ultimately be a large section, kinda specialized, a separate page could provide a little background on what a Quadio optical disc is in addition to a list of titles.

Although it would be a lot more work, the Quadio release info could also be added to the (usually) existing album info Wikipedia page, then the Quadio page could be a list of links to the Quadio section of each album page.

It's been hit or miss for me in recent years trying to edit Wikipedia - I tried to add a Quadio release section to an album info Wiki page, it was deleted right away, but a Wiki page about a local shopping mall that's been through a lot of changes since 2019 (anchor stores closing) - my edits on that page have stayed.

Kirk Bayne