Agree with item #3 above.
Ironic timing because just last night I finally started dipping into the XTC blu rays, beginning with Drums and Wires
Three reactions:
1) Yes *please*.
2) I'm a little surprised they're not going ahead and doing a deluxe set with both Apple Venus albums. Maybe that was just my hope -- I don't see myself buying Wasp Star on its own, as it ranks with the first two albums as my least favorite XTC.
3) I'm a little saddened, because this implies that there's been no further progress in finding tapes for English Settlement/Mummer/Big Express. I wish at some point they'd throw in the towel and do a compilation (a la Gentle Giant's Three Piece Suite) of whatever songs they *do* have from those albums. I'd rather have something than nothing.
Or even do an upmix of the songs with the missing tapes. While not as good as a proper 5.1 mix Steven Wilson has done a pretty good job with other XTC tracks that had to be upmixed.3) I'm a little saddened, because this implies that there's been no further progress in finding tapes for English Settlement/Mummer/Big Express. I wish at some point they'd throw in the towel and do a compilation (a la Gentle Giant's Three Piece Suite) of whatever songs they *do* have from those albums. I'd rather have something than nothing.