Venmo has been hacked more than once. I don’t trust it and only use Zelle though BOA and they will require you to use two factor authorization.
I use exactly the same thing: only Zelle through BOA with 2FA. So maybe we're both screwed. LOL
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Venmo has been hacked more than once. I don’t trust it and only use Zelle though BOA and they will require you to use two factor authorization.
I’ve been enabling 2FA on a lot of sites in the last few weeks, starting with anything to do with my finances. And yeah, it does become a bit of a pain when you’re trying to quickly login somewhere.
Sadly, the 'crew' at our local J P Morgan CHASE Bank are a bunch of numbskulls so I just took that $6K as a LOSS when I filed my federal/state tax returns. Problem solved. They did however make good on a bunch of fraudulent charges on our business credit card so all wasn't lost.No recourse? That seems strange. I thought that banks were responsible for safeguarding digital transactions. If you know how it happened, would you mind sharing the gory details?