HiRez Poll Oldfield, Mike - TUBULAR BELLS 2003 [DVD-A]


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Rate the DVD-A of Mike Oldfield - TUBULAR BELLS 2003

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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Please post your comments, thoughts and observations.......(y) (n)
From the Quad master, like it or not...and I've always loved it, and the US Quad pressing kinda sucked, so.........:banana:

ED :)
Ed Bishop said:
From the Quad master, like it or not...and I've always loved it, and the US Quad pressing kinda sucked, so.........:banana:

ED :)

Actaully, isn't this a re-recording, with the Quad Master being the SACD? At least, that's what I thought! :confused:
JonUrban said:
Actaully, isn't this a re-recording, with the Quad Master being the SACD? At least, that's what I thought! :confused:

Oops! It is! Watching the game, wasn't paying deep attention....:rolleyes:

But, as I have this one too.....the actual recording is pretty good, it's the performance I have a problem with.....treated as if it were the classic it is, but too precious for its own good......proving, I think, that lightning only strikes once in the same place.....;)

I think that's what you were looking for....

ED :)
I finally got this one just a few days ago, I have had the regular SACD TB mix for quite a while. I am really happy with the SACD mix of TB. The mix on TB 2003 DVD-A, is quite different in spots, i would give an 8, very nice, but i prefer the SACD mix.
It is. And the original casts such a huge shadow over Mike's career--for better and worse--that he just can't avoid it. Apparently, neither can we....;)

ED :)
Most of the time everything runs around you, including the bass guitar. That is a bit disturbing.
The changes, especially the synth-washup tend to spoil the magic a bit. A big mistake is the exclusion of outside musicians. That means, no real flute or drums. The more surprising is the perfection of the guitar-work still has "teeth".
The bonus original demo is a priceless bonus.
I addressed this one with some trepidation. My first thought was, "gads, yet another permutation of this beast?" I find it annoying when artists can never leave their "masterpiece" alone (e.g. George Lucas and the original Star Wars trilogy). But you know what? For Mike Oldfield, it actually kind of works. Kudos to Mike for being able to make a career out of a single record (apologies to any Mike Oldfield fans I may have offended, I know he has a wider body of work but for most people Tubular Bells and Mike Oldfield are synonymous).

In any event, I really enjoyed this incarnation of Tubular Bells. My familiarity with the original certainly anchored me, and I do think the original is better from an artistic standpoint. But from a technical standpoint, Tubular Bells 2003 is awe-inspiring. It is a welcome member of the the Tubular Bells family.

One thing that really catapults this title into the top ranks (for me, anyway) is the inclusion of the Tubular Bells demo tracks. Sure, the quality is well below par, but I love listening to demo tracks. The demo tracks give unique insight into the mind of the artist and the creative process. The Tubular Bells demo tracks are some of the coolest "seed of an idea" audio nuggets I've ever heard.

All-in-all a very strong 9 from me! (y)
Great mix and sound. This is the first version of this title that I experienced, so I don't have any problems with it not sounding like the original. Very much a '10'.

This, a few other discs, and a BIG bag of ganja mark my strategy for surviving the next four years of America in decline. There is something captivating about this music that allows the mind to be fully engrossed - unable to wander back to a reality best forgotten, each section a new place for the mind to explore before moving on. Recommended.
I like the surround mix of this new version, it realy serves the music well.
There is some panning now and then, but not too much IMO (like on the dreaded AERO DVD-V) deserves a 9
So, after many months of searching, I finally got a new/sealed copy on Amazon for $15 and boy am I happy. Though I can't claim to be a huge fan, I did greatly enjoy the sonics, clarity, use of surround. I give this one a 9. Nice extras as well. Very nice all around!
Thanks to GabeL in a trade I got a copy.

Wow. It is a sonic treat.

They really did a nice job on this one.

The mix is a little more 'active' than the SA-CD.
Finally opened this. I had two sealed copies and was debating putting one or both up for sale since I have the SACD of the original. Glad I gave it a listen. As to be expected, the sonics and recording quality are really good, better than the original. The complaints others have about the excessive panning, well it doesn't bother me. It is what Mr. Oldfield intended you to hear, right? So, I gave it a 9. Also, I chased my wife out of the house with the low bass notes. Hmmm, maybe I should have given it a ten!
I've only just got this one, and find the mix a little disturbing in places - almost too far towards the gimmicky side.
The first section - Introduction - has what sounds like a synth bass that wanders around the speakers far too much for my liking on what is an anchor part of the piece.
It makes the result sound almost lumpy - to my mind, having mixed synth basses myself - this is because it wanders around & isn't nailed down.
Spin it up - you will hear the level changing as it wanders, and it cannot (surely?) be deliberate.
Other instruments have the same issues.

That aside, it's very adventurous indeed given the classic status of the much-loved original.
It sounds in places like it is re-recorded rather than remixed too.
Again, this is not necessarily a bad thing at all - but it will exacerbate any issues as I know only too well (again from my own efforts in surround).

Overall a solid 8 from me. The mix does not attempt to slavishly recreate the original - this is a good thing too.
It's a new reading of an old favourite, and it's a pretty good version overall.