Of course the whole thing is totally daft.. but "they've" got us by the balls and they know it.. at least in this instance we've got a choice in that individual releases are in the offing for next year.. the more I mull it all over, I think I'll probably hold out for those tbh, I only want the surround from this set, I'm not fussed about replica 7-inchers and all that although I can see it would be of merit to some fans & collectors maybe and I'm chuffed for them.
Most of these rock stars come across as rather twattish.. and everytime one of them starts spouting on about world poverty and the like I want to punch them in the chops.. mind you, if I'd come up with the kind of songs half of that lot have written I'd probably be a smug out of touch tosspot (rather than a music lover with a voracious appetite who is perpetually broke because they spend all their hard-earned on overpriced product from the likes of those very artistes! Oh its a cycle as vicious as Wagner's ringpiece after a particularly rough ride of the valkyries, so it is.. to be sure..!)
I guess to an extent we are partially to blame for some high cost boxes from Iconic artists such as Floyd.
For how many years now, how many posts have we not all begged for more quad and surround from these particular artists, and now here they are, for all of us voracious quad fans.
So true of me for these quad must haves.
humbly your decades long quad collector,
Fizzy (guilty) wiggs:slap: