Poll: What's your current Atmos speaker layout?


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What's your current Atmos speaker layout?

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Yes, some have to deal with open spaces like hallways, or walls that don't extend fully on the same plane.
I have to deal with a main door, a closet door, and a set of double doors that go to an en suite bathroom. pita, but I rearranged things many times and came up with the best compromise I could.
I'm still thinking on a way to go back to 7.1.4. Before I can I need to build an audio cabinet and get rid of this big honking table my gear is on and rearrange once again.
That will have to wait as I'm gimping around waiting on a hip replacement. Be so happy when I can get back in my shop again.
That will have to wait as I'm gimping around waiting on a hip replacement. Be so happy when I can get back in my shop again.
That sucks, My back issues have me restricted from doing any real phyisical labor any more and now the knee's are failing making stairs a real task. Don't get old my dad used to say.

Yes, some have to deal with open spaces like hallways, or walls that don't extend fully on the same plane.
That's my main issue here, the right side of the room is open to the kitchen of a space about the same size as the listening area. The left side was all windows/glass and reverberate as he-l. I compensated best I could by covering them all with panels of 2" thick Roxul Rockboard 60 and some very sheer drapes. It helped a lot but still far from a perfect solution but best I can do. Good thing I don't have wife, few would be happy with this. LOL
I'd also love to add side surrounds but to do so I'd have to lose the couch, reducing seating to my single lazyboy ?
Yes the nomenclature for Auro 3D fans is 11.1 but this is an Atmos thread and that @RustyM set up ( like mine) is 7.1.4. I happen to have 2 additional derived channels of bass managed ( from center, surrounds and heights) dual subwoofer output… but to call it 7.3.4 is inaccurate ( they are not LFE channels).
Yes the nomenclature for Auro 3D fans is 11.1 but this is an Atmos thread and that @RustyM set up ( like mine) is 7.1.4. I happen to have 2 additional derived channels of bass managed ( from center, surrounds and heights) dual subwoofer output… but to call it 7.3.4 is inaccurate ( they are not LFE channels).
That is so, because Auro is more restrictive for height speakers. Need always 4 heights for 9.1 (5.1 floor) or 11.1 (7.1 floor). Optionally, Center Height and or VOG may give 12.1 or 13.1. But 10.1 and 11.1 if floor are only 5.1.

Crazy and confusing.

Atmos systems are always. x.1.x because there is only a single LFE Channel.

But it's common to say x.N.x to specify N subwoofers. Not "correct" But very illustrative in a single number expression.
View attachment 113001
Another helpful diagram...I dig this one a lot(y)
That drawing makes a bit more sense than most of the others. It shows the listener in the ideal centre listening position. Normally you would be seated farther back (unless you have a dedicated room). In that case the angles would have to be adjusted and the sides would move to in front of the listener.

The other drawings show both the rear and side speakers in a good locations for quad. However when running 7.1 it seems to me that too much sound would be concentrated directly around the listener leaving gaps to the sides up front. Additionally the front speakers are usually shown too close together. Making adjustments to both should create a smoother sound field.
View attachment 113005
Blue shading for some Atmos porn...
The perspective on that drawing makes it appear that the sides are in front of the listener. Personally I would never use tiny speakers like those mounted on stands. No wonder subwoofers are necessary! The heights appear to be pointing straight down, I thought that they were supposed to be angled toward the listener.
Personally I would never use tiny speakers like those mounted on stands. No wonder subwoofers are necessary!
I've used stand mounts all around and towers all around. I'm sure Dolby shows the mixing of small surrounds with larger L & R so as not to give an impression that the setup has to be expensive. It's understandable from their side of the sales counter, but as I've mentioned before, after many years of setting up multich systems, I strongly believe it's important to use identical speakers in all the base positions.
The need for subwoofers really depends on room size, SPL desired, whether music or movies are the primary concern, and low bass extension desired. Each to their own.