2K Club - QQ Super Nova
I have a copy if anyone wants it. will trade or sell cheap. really good condition.
By this point did anyone even *care* what Elvis performed in concert? Kinda like going to a Beatles show, it was for many fans about the sheer experience of seeing Elvis in the flesh. He was always a captivating guy, and if he did a few obvious classics during the gig, I'd bet 99% of the fans went home happy (I mean, what good would it have done to yell out "El! Mystery Train, Pleeeze..."
Really, though, this is a disc crying out for the visuals, because it's not that interesting a gig, and while the surround is pretty decent given the setting, a concert experience involves sound and vision, and without the latter, what I hear is a professional performance, a little passion now and again, but not much else.
Me exactly. I have a close friend who lives in Nashville and I visited her last year. SHe's a huge Elvis friend and we drove to Memphis to visit Graceland. I liked him a lot more after that but I have to say, my time in Memphis was better at Sun records and other great landmarks. I have the CD 4 around somewhere and have never listened to it, although its been a long time since I went to the trouble to play CD 4s. So yeah, even after visiting Graceland (and seeing the planes!) I agree with you. I never got it.I hate to admit this, but what the hell: Even though I probably have 3 or 4 versions of the CD-4, and the quad double reel, I have never, in 25+ years, ever, ever, ever listened to this disc/tape. I am not an Elvis fan, I could never connect with him. When I was growing up, it was the Beatles, and Elvis was stupid movies and "In the Ghetto".
I never got into him, although I can appreciate his early "hits", this has always been on my "I'll play it one day" list.
Anyone else do the same?????