EYG: Try turning all four "recording" level knobs all the way up. On my 858, they were also active during playback as output level adjustments. I always set mine to full unless I was recording.
I have that very Craig Quad deck in my '70 Gremlin. Good transport on that one. It can play any tape thrown at it. I think it puts out a whopping 4 watts but for the era, that ain't bad. I've got it driving 4 vintage Craig speakers (4 ohm) and the sound is good. My newest acquisition is a Toyo CS-721 QAudio car unit. $23, brand new in the box! Of course, it's belt had turned to goo and the "bridge" that makes the channel lights come on needed some work, but now it's mechanically sound. I've yet to hook it up. I'm curious to see what the "one button balance control" actually does. The manual says to press the button if only the driver is in the car, or to release the button when other people are in the car!
I DID spot a mid 70's Corvette at the Portland Swapmeet a few weeks ago with a Panasonic CQ-999 in the dash! ... But then I also looked around and couldn't find any back speakers. I couldn't find the owner to chat but I couldn't figure out why anybody would install a Quad deck and not take advantage of at least having 4-speaker stereo.
it does record in quad? thats cool, I didnt realize, I just love pseudo-scopes and directional controls on 8 track units
I thought only the Wollensak, Akai and Panasonic/Technics had quad recording capabilities?........I wonder if Superscope made a quad recorder?, I think their parent company is marantz
I just need a technics sa 6700x, then I will have a real oscilliscope, 4 vu-meters, and directional control (I already have the technics sh-1010 quad remote so I just need a technics unit to hook it up to)
the marantz 4400's are just too expensive (and ugly, squares for buttons....they always look like they are not aligned correctly....yuck awful looking reciever in my books)
im suprised no one has chimed in about the wollensak units, its appears to be the forgotten quad deck, the 8080 looks like a pretty cool unit, with some wierd features added on (plus it has dolby reduction)
I take it that the quad 8-track players would have no problem playing regular stereo 8-tracks.
Twould also seem to me as if tape, 8-track or otherwise, wouldn't present the decoding problems inherent in quad vinyl and that tape could therefore offer better quad than could vinyl. Am I wrong?
Unfortunately, you are wrong. Quad 8 cartridges are DISCRETE and play two programs of four channels. There is no decoding.
Wikipedia said:Discrete reproduction is the only true Quadraphonic system. As its name suggests, with discrete formats the original four audio channels are passed through a four-channel transmission medium and presented to a four-channel reproduction system and fed to four speakers. This is defined as a 4–4–4 system.