Kodi first-timer here, too.
(Well, sort of. I've toyed with Kodi before but have never gone over completely. Never really cared all that much about fancy graphics, TBH: album cover + album playlist with track numbers, titles, and timings + "Now Playing" track details against a clean black background have always been good for me. I've also always resisted the whole "Library" concept, preferring to just browse my media collection in Windows File Manager and selecting whatever file or folder I want to play--like
@GOS, in foobar2000, mostly, with the DarkOne 4.0 skin, or else VLC or Windows TV & Movies for Atmos--from there. Just hasn't seemed that difficult. So the paradigm shift is gonna be hard for me. But like a lot of you, I expect, my folders and my file tagging are an inconsistent mess and--ironically, given what an anal-retentive I am in other respects--I've dragged my feet on rationalizing them and cleaning them up. And I can't deny that it would be easier to use just one media player to play
all file types. So . . . I guess this'll be good for me. I'm just gonna silently recite the Possum Lodge Man's Prayer from the
Red Green Show: "I'm a man. And I can change. If I have to. I guess.")
Here's a question, though: I also use P2P file-sharing software, and I'm having trouble envisioning how to set up the folder/file structure on my hard drive in such a way that I could include certain files in my Kodi library while
excluding them from my P2P share (or vice versa). Right now certain folders in my de facto music "library" are off limits. Maybe the easiest answer is to use two separate HDs, one for Kodi and one for P2P?
P.S.: endless thanks to
@HomerJAU for dreaming up and spearheading this project (and for writing that massive Kodi Intro) and to
@LuvMyQuad for being the US agent--and for starting this thread!