Of course you are entitled to have your own opinion as I am entitled to mine. It is well establised that EMI in the UK only began making QUAD albums by 1974, long after Quatermass´ demise. If there had been a QUAD mix peter Robinson would have used them and stated this. I felt that the previous contributor who surmised a quad mix was off into a wrong direction.
just because an album predates 1974 doesn't mean EMI didn't/couldn't revisit it to make a Quad mix, they did just that on more than one occasion. I don't understand why Peter Robinson would necessarily have used a Quad mix, he seems perfectly chuffed with his semi-upmix 5.1 concoction. I surmised the Quad mix, how it can be entirely ruled out as a possibility, no matter how slim, I don't know unless there's hard facts. you're entitled to your opinion indeed but lets have some facts to back things up when necessary - a quad mix revisited by the record company after the fact was just conjecture on my part, we'd all rather facts but in the absence of facts anything anyone has to say is opinion and nothing more. a Quad mix is not entirely beyond the realms of possibility, however unlikely.