R.I.P Susan Jacks


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May 28, 2011
NW Ontario
Just heard about Susan Jacks, (one of my all time favorite female singers, and one of the best looking too) dead at 73.

She was known the world over as part of the Poppy Family mainly for the hit "Which Way You Going Billy". Though out the late sixties and early seventies there was always one or another Poppy Family Hit being played on the radio in Canada.

Her solo stuff was very popular as well. My favorite of her solo albums "Dream" appears to have been only released in Canada (at least no foreign versions show up on Discogs), a pity as it is should have been a monster success. I'm sure that it would have been fantastic if a surround version had ever been done.

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I am very sad to hear this news.....I recorded demos with Susan when she was a staff writer at Pic-A-Lic Music publishing here in Nashville in the late 80's and early 90's....She was always fun and talented to work with and a great songwriter......She will be missed ....RIP
Lovely late Spring day in northern California 1973. The dude renting a small apartment in the duplex next door that dad owned got a new Datsun 260Z and was taking it for his first long drive to Yosemite National Park 60 miles away. He invited my high school body and mind to go along. Hell yeah!!! What an awesome car!!! On the way we listened to a rock station out of Fresno and a song I had never heard was played. The DJ did not name the tune but I figured I would hear ir again and get the name later so I could buy it.

Never did hear that tune again. The melody stayed in my mind. Years went by. Hordes of FM radio listening never brought the tune to me again. Decades passed. Now in Omaha, Nebraska made a friend that owned a used record store. I went through his huge collection of 45s and using the in-store record player I devoted many hours to listening to groups and solo artists who I though might have recorded that song. No luck. I had even called DJs at various radio stations and hummed the tune and spoke the short snippet of lyrics I still recalled but no luck.

Then the Web descended and bought a mighty 486 DX4-100 Cyrix CPU electronic brain and grabbed one of the immense supply of AOL CDs sprouting up in post offices and other locales. Going through the slow dial-up process I entered the AOL world with occasional forays into what I gradually learned was the "real" Web. At an AOL chat room dedicated to record collecting I made a post with that small snippet of recalled lyrics and described the ethereal ending of each refrain with a chorus of female voices going "Ahh ahh ahh ahhh,"

A couple weeks go by and a reply said try "That's Where I went Wrong" by The Poppy Family. Rushing to the record store I plopped that 45 upon the platter and the stylus following the etchings spewed the tune I had not heard for 22-years. The tune is now on a thumb drive and still gets played along with my other greatest hits. To reward the fellow that led me to the tune I asked for his address so I could send a $10 fast-food gift certificate of his choice. Surprised by the reward he opted for Burger King. Off to Ohio the envelope traveled and he replied with surprise and a thanks and glad he could end the lengthy mystery.

Hooray for the Web that I jumped into in 1995 and hooray for getting away from dial-up and Windows finally making plug-and-play a reality allowing me to ditch that DOS book and command line interface required to make peripherals and some installed programs to function. Life is good!!!
Ancient history the sequel:

A year or so after wandering into the Web my skills grew and AOL was abandoned. Curious about the gal who sang "That's Where I went Wrong" I perused a Web that was much smaller with far less content back then and diligent keyboard poking led to Susan Jacks' email address. I wrote a short note praising her voice on that tune and how much I enjoyed it. Nothing beyond that. A few days later I received a reply with the sender stating he was her husband and if I valued my health to never write again.

The wise fellow knows what battles are worth fighting so I shunned the scathing reply so I just ignored it and never sent another message. Hubby died of lung cancer a few years later. I still refrained from writing the widow. Celebrities tend to be inundated with correspondence. My input was not needed.

And our turn to depart this plane of existence awaits every one of us. Does the site have a memorial page for quaddies that enter whatever lays beyond?
Good song, tho I feel those jolly horns spoil the mood when they pop in - even if they’re another good hook. Congrats on your relentless detective work finally paying off!
Many Canadian artists were huge in Canada but mostly unknown outside the country. Both Poppy Family LP's were full of great tracks, many were hits in Canada almost all should've been. Ex husband Terry Jacks had a string of hits as well. It goes without saying that I was never quite as big a fan of his work as I was of hers!

There was a radio special about the Poppy Family in the mid seventies, I should still have a cassette copy of it. In it I remember her saying that they didn't like the CRTC decision to mandate (30%) Canadian content on the radio in Canada. They wanted to get airplay because they were good not because they were Canadian! At that time I couldn't have agreed more but because of that ruling or in spite of it there was a burst of fantastic Canadian talent at that time. Detroit's adopted radio station CKLW Windsor broke a lot of Canadian talent into the US throughout the seventies.

The day before I heard of her death I pulled out the compilation LP "Maple Music Vol 1" to rip to the hard drive. Every track by every artist is excellent!

I also recommend The Poppy Family Featuring Susan Jacks "The Poppy Family's Greatest Hits" (CD) and the two "Poppy Family" LP albums.

Ancient history the sequel:

A year or so after wandering into the Web my skills grew and AOL was abandoned. Curious about the gal who sang "That's Where I went Wrong" I perused a Web that was much smaller with far less content back then and diligent keyboard poking led to Susan Jacks' email address. I wrote a short note praising her voice on that tune and how much I enjoyed it. Nothing beyond that. A few days later I received a reply with the sender stating he was her husband and if I valued my health to never write again.

The wise fellow knows what battles are worth fighting so I shunned the scathing reply so I just ignored it and never sent another message. Hubby died of lung cancer a few years later. I still refrained from writing the widow. Celebrities tend to be inundated with correspondence. My input was not needed.

And our turn to depart this plane of existence awaits every one of us. Does the site have a memorial page for quaddies that enter whatever lays beyond?

That's very strange.... hubby must've been one of them uptight folks. I don't understand that thought process - the instant reaction of hatred and/or jealousy. I've gotten several celebrity emails, many of which I'd gotten simply by getting in touch with their management (if they still had any) and being up front and honest about my intent. Sometimes it takes a long while to get a reply but more often than not, I've gotten the OK.

My hilarious anecdote in regards to that topic is thus: Many moons back when the internet was still quite young, and some artists figured this new medium was a great way to bolster their relevancy or even make them appear "hip". Mr. Steve Miller was one of those cats. You used to be able to write to him; "Ask Steve Anything" was emblazoned on his website.... advertising not a link or to some sort of inbox.... nope.... his 100% direct-to-the-man address.

So over the course of a few months I asked him a few fun questions that would either jog his memory or invoke a humorous response. In that time, I felt I'd managed to establish a rapport with the guy. Sometimes, he'd even respond only a few hours later with cordial greetings. But maybe it was that instant response that made me curious. So, one day I asked "Stupid Question. Is this REALLY Steve Miller or is this just some service in his employ responding to all these questions??"

I'm not sure if he took that as an insult or he was just having an off day, but the reply I got was, well.... a bit disappointing because he's kinda one of my idols....

I don't recall the exact wording but it was along the lines of: "Seriously? Who the f*** else would have the email address of [email protected]??" (Or whatever very official-sounding email it was back then) It was a few years later we started to see stories come out in regards to his um.... temper. But with a response like that.... there was no denying I had the dudes' personal email address.

My favorite response of all time was from Dennis Provisor.

"We had a Quad Record??? COOOL!!! What's a Quad Record?"

To make my post remain sort of on topic, while I never met Susan.... I did get the chance to meet Terry Jacks when he played the Doukhobour Festival in Grand Forks, BC way back in.... 2002? My little sister and I were coming back from the "Mopars at the Ranch" show that same weekend in Vernon, BC.... and passing through Grand Forks on Sunday, the Festival was still going hot and heavy. I had friends that had begged me to attend festival instead of the car show so, I decided to make a cameo appearance. Glad I did. His wife at the time Margret(?) was a local, so she'd convinced him to play at festival. I don't think he'd appeared on stage in a long time or, so he claimed anyway.

He did have a joke he did on stage. His daughter had joined him on this adventure and while he was on stage, introduced her by saying:
"I've got my daughter here with me tonight. There's a bit of a story about her name. See, I'm a big fan of Buddy Holly and I love his music. So, stand up BUDDY and take a bow.... oh, that's right. Maggie won that argument. HOLLY, stand up and take a bow!" 😁
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