Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Listening to American Idiot now.

NOTHING in the rears for the entirety of the title track. Similar story for Jesus of Suburbia until at some point part way through a guitar part comes through the rears, but the gang vocals are still confined to the fronts sadly.

Weird mix so far…definitely less compressed than the stereo though!
NOTHING in the rears for the entirety of the title track. Similar story for Jesus of Suburbia until at some point part way through a guitar part comes through the rears, but the gang vocals are still confined to the fronts sadly.
I was waiting for the backing vocals in "Holiday" ("...from the hollow lies") to come out from the back, but no (n)

On the other hand, the guitar solo in "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is 100% isolated in the rear surrounds (y)