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Jeff “Skunk” Baxter goes deep into his past work, Doobie Brothers, Steely Dan etc.

This interview reminds me so much of the Saturday Night Live skit in which Chris Farley interviews Paul McCartney. The interviewer can’t control his fanboy tendencies and Skunk is just concise and polite throughout. Ultimately, this was insightful, but I was repeatedly laughing to myself. “Mr. Skunk Baxter, it’s such an honor to be with you here today…”

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who is this masked Japanese wunderkind on guitar "nacoco music"?

I've found her YT channel quite entertaining. She does a lot of heavy metal stuff, and many are much more difficult than this simple Deep Purple song - Highway Star. *sure she's just playing along, but she really is playing this stuff, from what I can tell.

her channel