Recommended YouTube 1.0: Personal Connections


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
QQ Supporter
Jul 19, 2012
The purpose of this thread is to post links to YouTube clips which you think other members might like to see.

In this version I suggest clips that are directly related to you, the QQ member. They are either of you or your music, and/or friends or people you know.

If you have clips of professional musicians, or interesting or funny clips that are unrelated to you, here are the threads where you can post those:

Professional Musicians:

Clips You Might Get A Kick Out Of:

Here are my first entries in the Personal Connections category:

I have friends who make music, and with whom I have made music on rare occasions. This video features my own video footage and editing. In the music is their original improvised work. They go by the name Shane. You can find more of their work by plugging "Flying Sun Tapes" into YouTube. I also recommend "Forest" by them. Enjoy!


If you like these videos, please feel free to forward these links to your friends!
Watching the sky on accelerated is quite the spectacle... at 7:04 (wow!) and onward, it is simply breathtaking! Shane's music sparks thoughts of Pompeii... don't know why. ^_^
Hmmm, seems like this thread needs a bit of a boost.

I've known Catharine Beck for fifty years, and she was always talented. She finished this CD just before COVID hit, so she could use a few more subscribers.

Georgia Peach Skies - YouTube

She also has a website where you can purchase the CD.
Catharine Beck
I heard it takes three bumps to get an old thread like this to show up in the "latest posts" or in the emails, so here's bump #1