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Rate the DTS DVD of Reflection Club - STILL THICK AS A BRICK

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  • 1: Poor Content, Surround Mix, and Fidelity

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This one is loads of fun! I bought it because Thick As A Brick is my favo(u)rite Tull, and, to be honest, i was afraid this release was going to be either trite or a joke of a tribute. Boy, was i surprised! The attention to detail throughout this release is impeccable. It's an absolute treat from the slideshow/lyrics that play to the Rellington Stone book that the CD and DVD come packaged in (which feels more substantial than it is because it is reprinted in larger type, which my aging eyes definitely appreciated). Inside the book is a review of the release. Here's a paragraph:

With Still Thick As A Brick Reflection Club indeed achieves a sound like Jethro Tull at their best, without ever running the risk of sounding like a degenerate plagiarism. This feat is realised for one, because the themes and vocal melodies are fresh and unspent and the club desists from using musical citations from the original songs of Jethro Tull. Furthermore the classic Jethro Tull sound is augmented by jazz and fusion parts. Especially the latter are leading in producing an additional thrust in the faster and more powerful sections. Plus, in comparison to several other current retro prog bands, who often remain in the snug mid-tempo scope, here the frequent switch-overs from calm acoustic phases to rapid rock and jazz rock sections catch your ear. That the many diverse parts nevertheless sound all of a piece, is due to the outstanding composing showing Meinert to also be a master of transitions. And as with any good long track he doesn't stick with merely stringing together the different parts, but interconnects them all and sundry. Thus different themes will be picked up but usually modified or arranged differently, so that you don't recognise them immediately. It's quite fascinating when the orchestral part of the opening is suddenly repeated at the end in a pure rock version. The arcs of suspense too are set so artfully that they continually gain in depth towards the end and hold unexpected turns in store at the same time.

Yeah, man! The above is about 15% of the entire review, which is a joy to read just as this release is a joy to listen to. I have played this album probably a dozen times, and i've yet to make it through the whole book (which is quite funny in places) because the music keeps demanding my attention. I can't think of a higher recommendation for a release. 10.
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