Renaissance: Azure D'Or (5.1 Mix out in November)


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The multichannel program being an upmix from stereo and the release format being DVD have nothing to do with each other…
I didn't infer it was more of an observation! Just happy ESOTERIC is now releasing in BD~A versus LOSSY DVD ..... if indeed that's the case with this new Renaissance release!
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I also ordered, thanks for the information. Looking at the work Stephen has done and how much I own, it turns out I am a fanboy. Looking forward to what comes next.
On a related note, is this just the 3rd studio release of theirs to get a multi-channel mix (Turn Of The Cards and Scheherazade) or have I missed some? Thanks
I saw Renaissance in Spring of '79, so I'm sure they played songs from this album, but I don't remember any of them. After Songs for All Seasons, I lost interest as each album seemed to move further away from their early to mid-seventies sound. Jeckyl and Hyde sounds familiar, but the rest of the album I'll have to revisit. Still might go for it, especially if it's blu-ray. Annie Haslem's voice can make almost any record worth listening to.
I saw Renaissance in Spring of '79, so I'm sure they played songs from this album, but I don't remember any of them. After Songs for All Seasons, I lost interest as each album seemed to move further away from their early to mid-seventies sound. Jeckyl and Hyde sounds familiar, but the rest of the album I'll have to revisit. Still might go for it, especially if it's blu-ray. Annie Haslem's voice can make almost any record worth listening to.
Saw Renaissance in '78 or '79 or thereabouts as well (in Austin TX). They were at their peak then, for sure. Then, in 1980, when I was a foreign student in Edinburgh, they played at the Playhouse, and an agent went around handing out free tickets at the student union because of low sales -- and everyone sneared.

Police were playing on the jukebox. The 80s had arrived. Wish I had taken a ticket then, though, but I was already exploring the local non-music scene, and all prog rock was suddenly a no-go. I still like it, though! My order is in 8').

It seems like Farcebook doesn't want anyone to see this as the content may be owned by someone else, but ...... you could watch it via Farcebook! so my cynical guess is what it means is that Meta won't get the advertising revenue if its embedded (it plays, but I'm not on Farcebook so the screen is mostly full of cookie preference junk!). Looking forward to the album, never owned it, I have most of the others from the early 70s.
Has anyone received this it should have left Cherry Red on the 9th based on a previous release date change email, but no confirmation of shipment.
Well what do you know, received my Azure D'Or Blu-Ray today, giving it a listen and so far it sounds pretty good. Will have to give it a few listens to fully assess the surround but all channels seem to be equally active and it sounds full with some discreteness of sounds. Only familiar with a couple of the songs on this but am enjoying it quite a bit. One bad point right out of the gate is like on some other releases navigating the menu sucks due the selection of options is white and the background is white so you can not tell if the if the selection cursor is moving when you press down or up right or left, it is but you can't visually determine it I have to count how many times if press the remote buttons for the option I want. Not a big problem but is a head scratcher to me as to why. Oh well still a pretty good listen

Also forgot the screen animation is pretty good, a nice swooshy blue watery thingy going on. Also also the clam shell is only about half full should have added some marbles or scarves or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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Meanwhile it arrived. First listening: music and sound are good and the mix is well done Stephen!

This time Esoteric did it right compared to "Turn Of The Cards": It's a Blu-Ray instead of an Audio-DVD (they claimed DVD-Audio, but AUDIO_TS is empty - it's DTS which is not lossless).

Package and price are okay too. Should be standard, shouldn't it?