Rhino Quadio - Batch #8 Speculation


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It would be redundant for me to ask again for SPITFIRE, although it seems likely, since DRAGON FLY was in a batch.

I'm only doing it here to make the 2K Club without being too off-thread ;) .

Oh yes , Spitfire is a possible title.

That this batch will be eclectic-electronic ? , that's still a guess on my part.
Speculation and a want list of sorts.

Jefferson Starship - Spitfire
David Gates - David Gates
Seals & Crofts - Unborn Child
Deep Purple - Stormbringer


Carly Simon - Carly Simon
The New Seekers - Best of the New Seekers
Curtis Mayfield - Back to the World
James Gang - Miami
Speculation and a want list of sorts.

Jefferson Starship - Spitfire
David Gates - David Gates
Seals & Crofts - Unborn Child
Deep Purple - Stormbringer


Carly Simon - Carly Simon
The New Seekers - Best of the New Seekers
Curtis Mayfield - Back to the World
James Gang - Miami
I'd buy all 8!
I wonder if Ihan Mimaroglu (LA Ruche/To Kill A Sunrise) is with Rhino now ?
Previously it was a Folkways album and Ilhan's lone quad title.
Even though he was a Producer at Atlantic Records , and I might add had 2 or 3 titles on Atlantic/Finnadar..but stereo only.

Now if this batch is not all electronic, I would love to see the re issue of
James Gang Miami ,
and Deep Purple Stormbringer ,
and James Taylor Gorilla .
I know this thread is obviously borne out of enthusiasm for the Quadio program, but isn't it a bit soon to be trashing the response to batch 7 and moving on to batch 8 before anyone's even had a chance to receive, digest and enjoy their batch 7 discs?

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You make it sound like they just run it through a software program and they get a quad mix. Someone has to create that mix and it costs money. If the return on that investment isn't sufficient to make it worthwhile there is no reason for them to do it. Remember that most of the consumers of physical media do not care or want quad mixes, especially if it will cost them more for the disc.
They don’t create a new quad mix. These are all quad mixes that have existed since the 70s. Which is why we’re getting them in quad instead of 5.1 or Atmos.

There are no doubt expenses involved in producing these discs, but creating the mix is not one of them :).
What these Speculation threads need is a sticky post at the top summarizing what we have learned from previous threads (mostly from @ForagingRhino posts) as to what quad mixes Rhino currently has access, has been prevented from releasing and that actually exist (with addendum for possible titles that may have been mixed for quad and went unreleased), etc., etc.

Writing such sounds too much like work....:)
I wonder if Ihan Mimaroglu (LA Ruche/To Kill A Sunrise) is with Rhino now ?
Previously it was a Folkways album and Ilhan's lone quad title.
Even though he was a Producer at Atlantic Records , and I might add had 2 or 3 titles on Atlantic/Finnadar..but stereo only.
La Ruche/To Kill a Sunrise is owned by Smithsonian Folkways. I corresponded with the research staff at the Folklife Center a couple of years ago to see if they could scour the archives for a) the quad master tapes for To Kill a Sunrise and/or b) any production notes that might offer insight into Mimaroglu's quad mixing philosophy. Unfortunately their searches came up empty. Their only recommendation was to try to track down Tom Dwyer, the mastering engineer. I had no luck with that.

In this post from a decade ago, @steelydave actually listed three Finnadar CD-4s (and possibly Q8?) for which Mimaroglu almost certainly did the quad mix: Eric Saltzman, Wiretap; George Flynn/John Cage, Wound/Winter Music; and Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. AoQ discussed his research into the latter album in this thread:
They don’t create a new quad mix. These are all quad mixes that have existed since the 70s. Which is why we’re getting them in quad instead of 5.1 or Atmos.

There are no doubt expenses involved in producing these discs, but creating the mix is not one of them :).
Yeah, I know that. The context of the comment was insinuating new quad mixes on whatever the album of the week is. (I didn't even realize there was an album of the week but I would think most of the time it is NOT one of the quadio discs).
Well , now there seems to be point of contentention regarding the starting of new batch threads .
And I agree . It can be a nightmare for the mods. I noticed a misunderstanding
when another LIKE batch 8 Thread appeared.

So how's about we make it more credited ?

I make the proposal , that ..FORAGING RHINO... "and only he"..

that's @ForagingRhino , has the authority to commence all future

New Batch # Threads.



Click like if your in favour

Not in favour will have to explain why via their post.
Well , now there seems to be point of contentention regarding the starting of new batch threads .
And I agree . It can be a nightmare for the mods. I noticed a misunderstanding
when another LIKE batch 8 Thread appeared.

So how's about we make it more credited ?

I make the proposal , that ..FORAGING RHINO... "and only he"..

that's @ForagingRhino , has the authority to commence all future

New Batch # Threads.



Click like if your in favour

Not in favour will have to explain why via their post.

Doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

Does Mr. Rhino wants that responsibility?
I don't think it's fair to assume. I'm not sure I would want that responsibility.
He's already doing enough for this community. Answering inquiries about what exists and what doesn't?
Keeping us abreast of what's coming.
And providing us tantalizing clues.

Is it OK with the moderators?
Not everyone will read this post....
Can you keep random members that did not read this from starting a thread?
Or will the moderators have to keep monitoring for them and deleting them?
I know this thread is obviously borne out of enthusiasm for the Quadio program, but isn't it a bit soon to be trashing the response to batch 7 and moving on to batch 8 before anyone's even had a chance to receive, digest and enjoy their batch 7 discs?

ferris buellers day off movie quotes GIF
Absolutely YES. One of the things I HATE about QQ is the impatience of members.
Stop, listen to what you have, wait patiently for your new arrivals, and listen.
Don't be so eager to trash what was and spend your money that QQers say they don't have.

I have been a member of QQ for a long time, the wealth of titles that I never knew anything about is 10 X greater, then the duds (1 time listen) then I have received.
It' is hard to not be excited as Steely says, but dissatisfaction is heard by the authors of the people who work real hard to get the surround releases to us.

Yes, sorry for rant, I'll keep it to this one time only, because QQ as a whole is very important to me.
I'm going to bet that none of these will ever make it into a Quadio. Rhino (yes we LOVE them with all our hearts) is all about sales. It's not about appealing to a small number of people. I just don't see these making the cut.

Of the Quadios released so far, Duke Ellington, Gil Evans and Charles Mingus are probably the least "popular" of the bunch. But those artists are serious classics. I don't see any of that in the Nonesuch and Finnadar labels.

Just my $.02.
To my knowledge, none of the single-disc Quadio releases have sold out or gone OOP, so I think it's pretty safe to wait.
There are a few on the Rhino website that shows "sold out," like Roberta Flack, but I'm sure they will either find more at some point, or you can buy them on other sites like Amazon, Deep Discount or Target.