Just note, to me it looks like that guy's goal isn't to convert isos permanently, it's to play them 'on the fly' in real time as PCM or DSD, using his computer's DAC. That's why he talks about using the highest sample rate , which he claims puts the least load on the CPU (i don't know or care if that's true). In my case I am taking the iso, loading it onto foobar, and using the foo_input_sacd plugin setting to translate DSD to PCM wav. But instead of playing it in real time, it's foo_converter (foobar's 'convert' command, set to output flac files) that actually creates the permanent files from the data that foo_input_sacd outputs (faster than real time). These files get saved to a little external 2TB drive (the iso files then go into archival storage on another drive). When I play those flac files with foobar (or any flac-friendly software), it 'expands' them to .wav and sends the data to the DAC in my AVR, where D-A conversion takes place.