That is just lazy implementation if true.
Lazy ? That's what an analog matrix system is:
. I think many are concerned about tarnishing the image of boxes like the Fosgate Tate II or Sansui"s QSD-1. Those were implementations doing the same thing at a higher price point. Yes, there is rudimentary steering logic, (code for automation) blah, blah, so lets talk about what its like; developing, building & selling HiFi gear... Ha
So really, we are merely talking about the level of sophistication and complement of necessary discrete components to accomplish this task. Even the IC's you see on that board are moving an analog signal through various phasing or or other "processing" before being outputted to those SE RCA's.
The post by the Schiit Design Engineer, Jason Stoddard, why he starts out by saying this is going to be my undoing. Think about it. Marketplace is heavily skewed into the belief that digital processing (DSP's) are both necessary and to double-down on the idea; an actual selling point in "any" implementation of surround sound... Amusing.
Digital is always less... its cost efficient and convenient for processing and transporting traffic for telephone networks. Why it was developed in the first place. Later, the tech was applied to the problem of noise in recordings... Every time I see a CD I curse. Music industry was in love, cassettes and tape recorders in general were destroying civilazation and driving them crazy (copying). CD had the potential to reduce piracy... Long story. It didn't and the product is always, a less than. Its physics, no sample equals the original. Fooling the brain into thinking anything, is not that difficult, as we all know.
The name of the site is QuadraphonicQuad... that's as analog a name as you can get. All (2) channel tape & vinyl analog recordings regardless of format began life as analog recordings. Today we continue the ultimate ironies... I've actually seen vinyl with a sticker on the front exclaiming that its the new "Digitally Remastered" version. On vinyl. That's now both sad & amusing.
I've never purchased a unit from Schiit. Heard nothing but good things. That post by Mr. Stoddard spelled out everything I really wanted to know except the details of his choice in Matrix. The Schiit Matrix. Its exists, he won't say. It fits somewhere along the many analog matrix expressions, but we know from Mr. Stoddard's discussion (sales plan as someone said! Ha)... that the center channel is summed L&R and SW is 2nd order slope filter. So, we can conclude that a (4) channel matrix was implemented aka: designed. Cause he said its his own flavor... Question is; is close to Compatiquad.
As I said before my favorite box is the Electrovoice EVX-44 which is the universal quadraphonic decoder which is also licensed with CBS for SQ. Details about the choice of matrix types is an amazing page. This is my favorite reference page by the "Author".
Quadraphonic Systems
Even so, the shock of seeing how that board was so nicely labeled. A downloadable manual. A downloadable 63 page test report on its electrical & audio specifications. (Absent the Matrix... Ha) That board is sea of what look to be electronic attenuators. Its short-signal-path, suface-mount, paying so much attention to power supply... its why these guys were able to build new EQ's and get favorable reports... cause they can... due to improvements in circuits, manufactured boards & components that are available. Its truly inspiring to watch. And all at the $400 price point... fascinating.
Thanks for reaching out to them. They shipped my Loki's & Mani... but the SYN is somewhere between 1 & 2 weeks... Fingers crossed.