Hi Guru's
Yes, It appears I have been a tad quiet in recent weeks but in reality I have been like a duck on the water, all calm on the surface but paddling like hell below. Both our beloved companies have been sliding down the razor blade of life and it could go either way in the next 2 weeks.....into the abyss or into fat, dumb and happy land. I have been immersed in the fund raising world, a world full of tyre kickers, big noters that promise the world and deliver zero and just blow wind up my skirt ( a size 22 Moo Moo).
So my tip is, dont delay in grabbing the last few SM's, 6 channel amps or Y4 systems as one possible path is the abyss.
The good news is that we are under an offer to buy both companies and restart bigger and better- providing it is not yet another mirage. But unfortunately I have run out of personal cash at the tender age of 67. So its crash trough or crash time.
Enough cheer, in my spare time I have been powering up that great big stealth bomber like board for my super electrostatic speaker project and its working electronically (I still have the touch even at my age!). All 3 x 600 W amplifiers are going, band passes are working, HV generators can put out up to 6000V should I need that much! Below is a picture of the beast, its way bigger than it looks, the bottom edge is 590 mm or nearly 2 ft long!
Wayne (known as Waynie poos) and I have also been working on the design of this 6 feet 8 high electrostatic speaker that will be fully see-through- even the housing for the electronics. We are using some aspects of our Nakamichi dragon electrostatic speaker form as an influence. But this is a no compromise design and FULL RANGE. I want the perfect speaker for my eventual retirement when I am put out to pasture and Dave the Bi%#h (thank you QQ censors!) takes over......if we are still around.
This is a bit of a personal project for me. Its price tag will be Stella and unreasonable.