I don't know, and I am speculating here (Brian might know), but as an observer, I have to assume that the AF title choices of BS&T's GH, Weather Report's Mysterious Traveler, and Musicmagic (among others) were titles chosen specifically because they had quad mixes and were viable as 4 channel SACDs. When the end came, and I would again surmise that it came suddenly, these titles had already been licensed and thus they had to be released even though AF would no longer bear the cost of adding the 4.0 track to the releases.
That is probably why Musicmagic was released. They had already paid the fee. Same with Mysterious Traveler and the BS&T hits. I would guess Marshall was probably hugely disappointed that the quad was removed from these titles (and maybe more) as these titles may not have been chosen by AF unless they had the quad tracks available.
Remember, AF gave it a great shot and it's mostly because of Marshall, so to trash AF is not fair. These companies have to stay in business and these days that is not easy. Every dollar counts. It's not fair to expect them to go the extra mile when it does not return the cost and the buying public isn't buying like they used to and everyone wants or waits for the good deal.
Fortunately for D-v, they don't have all of the restrictions that a US based label has. Fortunately for us as well!