Surround sound for music is a dumb idea


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The serving of video with music has more than one flavor. I enjoy watching concert videos where I can listen and watch the musicians.

I generally don't care to watch "Music Videos" or at least not more than once. Especially when the video content is moronic or has nothing to do with the music. Even back in the day, hippies sqwooshing petrie dishes on overhead projectors (aka "psychedelic light shows" ) used to piss me off. Ditto "color organs". Something more "concept" like Thriller I was and am willing to watch once to see if the video content is of any use to me. Normally it is not.

I love the Who and almost all their music but they have some annoying videos, Like the black and white burglary in the "Happy Jack" video and the seque into bad computer psychedelia in the "studio" version of "Don't get fooled again".
Also please spare me a stoned camera man pulsing the zoom and/or focus control in rhythm with the music.

For me I would prefer just let the camera's roll on the musicians and skip the sophomoric effects and scripts. If you can't come up with anything equal to the music, then just display the album cover. jmo
"Don't get fooled again"?

This one:

And by the way , while we are whining about music videos , another thing that pisses me off is when you see the camera man with his big stupid video camera on his shoulder , getting too close to the famous musician and ocassionally visibly annoying him as much as he has already annoyed me. Camera men , like sound men should have their work seen and heard but not them, unless afterwards someone wants them to come out and take a bow which may be well deserved.
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This one:

And by the way , while we are whining about music videos , another thing that pisses me off is when you see the camera man with his big stupid video camera on his shoulder , getting too close to the famous musician and ocassionally visibly annoying him as much as he has already annoyed me. Camera men , like sound men should have their work seen and heard but not them, unless afterwards someone wants them to come out and take a bow which may be well deserved.

Yeah it's kinda cheesey. Still one of my favorite Who songs though.

Audio Science Review has lots of reviews, showing no improvement, of many things, including cables and interconnects.


Painting the connections with silver circuit board paint is something that I do, but I have no belief that it improves the sound. But it is easy to do and I just do it. It's "better". But it is probably snake oil too.

... On ASR somebody just posted a teardown of a Carver 275 tube amp and it wasn't pretty. Go look at it.

Seeing the comment about ASR.... those people don't listen... all they do is measure. Sort of like Julian Hirsch.

There is a middle ground, you see? We do not know everything there is to know about psychoacoustics so our measurements are only as complete as our understanding and our models. To postulate that measuring is sufficient, and listening is not required, is to ignore reality and to ignore Western Empiricism ( a return to Classical Greek Science! ).

Besides, everybody knows that silver is not good, I'm so done with cables myself. I use troughs of pure Peruvian liquid mercury to drive my speakers and interconnects. Sure, the little mercury "falls" I use to 'raise' and 'drop' the signal introduce some intermodulation distortion and a slight metallic shimmering to the sound but hey, my full body bunny suit sort of filters that.
This one:


What a band...What an f'n band! Pete, Roger and Moon are so animated while The Ox just stays cool in his corner doing his best pumping out complex bass lines.

Back on topic:

I was listening last night in straight stereo: Right out of the Oppo 205 via balanced internconnects, flat through the preamp with balanced interconnects into a 400 wpc RMS power amp and finally into giant floor standing speakers. There is something to be said about this stereo combo with it's tremendous power, frequency range, detail and imaging. But stereo systems are soooooooooo very boring 'dahling'...No fun at all compared to quad, 5.1, 7.1 and then Atmos.
Seeing the comment about ASR.... those people don't listen... all they do is measure. Sort of like Julian Hirsch.

There is a middle ground, you see? We do not know everything there is to know about psychoacoustics so our measurements are only as complete as our understanding and our models. To postulate that measuring is sufficient, and listening is not required, is to ignore reality and to ignore Western Empiricism ( a return to Classical Greek Science! ).
Audio Science Review is a great forum but there are getting to be too many members. Somebody posts something worth talking about and in an instant that are five pages to go through mostly crap from people that don't have the slightest idea of what they are talking about.

I really don't care what the ASR guy measures. I only follow @marpow 's mantra when judging sound in that I want "Sounds fucking great."
Seeing the comment about ASR.... those people don't listen... all they do is measure. Sort of like Julian Hirsch.

There is a middle ground, you see? We do not know everything there is to know about psychoacoustics so our measurements are only as complete as our understanding and our models. To postulate that measuring is sufficient, and listening is not required, is to ignore reality and to ignore Western Empiricism ( a return to Classical Greek Science! ).

This is true regarding how ASR deals with electronics. But testing electronics does help sort out the true garbage, the false manufacturer claims, and the snake oil. If you are the type that believes you can hear distinct differences in say, amplifiers for instance, the measurements can help explain what you do/don't hear. There is no sin in wanting something that measures and sounds good, and more often than not, the two attributes go together. To compare amplifiers beyond their measured performance would require considerable time and A/B testing just to determine extremely subtle differences which one would likely never even perceive without A/B testing. And then you need to determine which of these tiny differences is truly more faithful to the source. The latter is the hardest part IMHO. ASR is not an outlet for unsubstantiated audiophile hyperbole that you can easily find elsewhere.

Also, ASR (Amir) does listen to speakers after he tests them. What he doesn't do is use descriptions and terms that are so common (and meaningless) in the typical golden-eared audiophile lexicon.
Also, ASR (Amir) does listen to speakers after he tests them. What he doesn't do is use descriptions and terms that are so common (and meaningless) in the typical golden-eared audiophile lexicon.

That is a pity, speakers are the most subjectively different sounding component of any audio system, followed by phono cartridges. Describing how they actually sound makes perfect sense. You can't describe how something actually sounds using numbers or specifications! I will continue to describe what I hear using descriptive language as that is the best way to communicate the differences in sound that we actually hear. While some/many audiophile claims/descriptions may be silly many more are fully valid!
That is a pity, speakers are the most subjectively different sounding component of any audio system, followed by phono cartridges. Describing how they actually sound makes perfect sense. You can't describe how something actually sounds using numbers or specifications! I will continue to describe what I hear using descriptive language as that is the best way to communicate the differences in sound that we actually hear. While some/many audiophile claims/descriptions may be silly many more are fully valid!
Oh he describes what he hears. If there is deficient/emphasized bass, if there is brightness/dullness, if he notices distortion, or imaging problems, how well the dispersion is, etc. He even cites what tracks he listened to. He just doesn't use the ambiguous, BS, non technical terms that are far too common in speaker review.
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