The Legacy of Dr Bauer


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I don't have a ready reference, but I thought that the QS variomatrix was used by Dolby Labs for Pro-Logic decoders in the theatrical systems.

Kirk Bayne
This is what I had read too. There were several articles about it in the 1980s.
Well damn fizzy that's even better than my mention of the Star Wars movie. Any references to this?

Yes there is. I posted it somewhere on QQ.

But I'll research for that article again and re post it.

♤♡◇Now what's even more interesting, as it beats Dolby QS in the timeline, is that MCA Universal used "Dynaquad" on at least one of their films.
Disclord, was enquiring whether or not the film Earthquake contained its Sennsurround effect.
The engineer responded the film print says "Dynaquad".
So besides the CD-4 album in Japan all others are DY-4D encoded.◇
Yes there is. I posted it somewhere on QQ.

But I'll research for that article again and re post it.

♤♡◇Now what's even more interesting, as it beats Dolby QS in the timeline, is that MCA Universal used "Dynaquad" on at least one of their films.
Disclord, was enquiring whether or not the film Earthquake contained its Sennsurround effect.
The engineer responded the film print says "Dynaquad".
So besides the CD-4 album in Japan all others are DY-4D encoded.◇
Our old friend OD has been posting these (unmarked) Dyna soundtracks on his site.
A Dolby Labs fan page:^^^
First making use of the Sansui QS matrix from 1975 to early 1979, it was later replaced by a custom enhanced matrix developed in-house by Dolby themselves.

Kirk Bayne
They used DES, circuitry reconfigured from SQ to decode Dolby Surround. Posts are here someplace about it. Furui_suterioo even purchased some Dolby decoder boards as a source of supply for his Tate decoders.
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A Dolby Labs fan page:^^^
First making use of the Sansui QS matrix from 1975 to early 1979, it was later replaced by a custom enhanced matrix developed in-house by Dolby themselves.

Kirk Bayne
Don't forget that Tommy was released using QS. As I recall theaters used Sansui QSD-1 decoders for that. Too bad that QS wan't the movie standard rather than DS!
Yes there is. I posted it somewhere on QQ.

But I'll research for that article again and re post it.


No other matrix (SQ) except Tate, discussed in that interview with Ray Dolby , (1988 Video Review)

Oh and btw , it is listed as a QS album on Larry Clifton's Discography, (5)to be determined .

Interesting that it's a Columbia Records Soundtrack ?
Features Kris Kristopherson and Barbra Streisand.
Don't forget that Tommy was released using QS. As I recall theaters used Sansui QSD-1 decoders for that. Too bad that QS wan't the movie standard rather than DS!

Yes that's true , and true for "Lizstomania" , Rick Wakeman and Roger Daltrey...album released on A&M. The 2nd and last Quintaphonic Production.

I think the last movie using QS , which may be incorrect (as the date signals SQ Tate I think, ) was Apocalypse Now!
No other matrix (SQ) except Tate, discussed in that interview with Ray Dolby , (1988 Video Review)

Oh and btw , it is listed as a QS album on Larry Clifton's Discography, (5)to be determined .

Interesting that it's a Columbia Records Soundtrack ?
Features Kris Kristopherson and Barbra Streisand.
They wanted the diamond format rather than square, which would make sense for a movie theatre but a poorer choice for home use!

The soundtrack to "A Star is Born" is SQ. Although I'm not much of a Streisand fan I have a bid in on the 7" juke-box mini LP, clearly marked as SQ. I don't own the LP but do remember it as being SQ encoded.

Edit: Sorry I'm confused with "The Way We Were" which is SQ. The Juke-box record is from that album. Not "A Star is Born" (I did say that I'm not really a fan). I doubt that the record mentioned is QS. If it is it is a happy accident it is unlikely that CBS would knowingly issue such a record. Most likely it is just stereo. While the movie was done using QS it is not likely that the music was remixed in that formate. Movies done in Dolby Surround usually/always have stereo soundtracks. The sound effects are put in the rear not normally the music.
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