Mighty-fine critters you folks have hanging out in your abodes. Here atop the Ozark Plateau is the homeland of the infamous brown recluse spider. My 1933-built shack has a crawl space that is the perfect environment for those crawly critters.
12 glue traps spread around the interior living space reveals the omnipresent wandering of those unwelcome guests. I have no pets but the presence of those spiders is pert-near pet-like due to their ever-present visits.
I do not keep my shoes on the floor and even when retrieving them from the elevated shelf I give them a shake to dislodge a "pet" just in case. Hmmmm . . . looking over at the nearest trap placed a couple months ago I see 5 desiccating recluse carcasses. The traps in the other rooms grab more or less. One bedroom seldom contains a recluse body. The tiny laundry room gets the most. I detect the possibility of a scientific survey to determine brown recluse migration routes!!!
In the meantime, I still miss my deceased QRX-9001 and live with fond memories of joyous hours devoted to quad listening in my shack on the tornado-ridden plains of Nebraska. Sigh.
Happy Quadding!!!!!
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