My heart is BREAKING!!
Anthony Thomas Benedetto is DEAD!?! I KNOW, he died at 96. GONE TOO SOON!!! HE'S TONY BENNETT!!!! Still say he died too YOUNG!!! 96?? I knew he had Alzheimers, but still too young.
Why do you think he should NOT have died at 96? I STILL think it was too YOUNG!!??!! Anthony had Alzheimers when he appeared w/Gaga for the last time (?) You could tell he was failing! Still, it was powerful! Gaga is a monster talent. She and Tony LOVED each other AND respected each other. and they're BOTH ITALIAN. a natural fit!!
I'm a HUGE fan and have over half of his recordings. After that long a career AND YOU only have half of his stuff? Yes, but I NEED to complete the collection!!
I bought this new at Best Buy NEW as a blowout sale. $19.99 SEALED!! Perhaps you can still get one at $19.99? I doubt it, but you still MIGHT find one SEALED! I wouldn't depend on THAT. Good luck. Here's the box set:
You can buy it NOW used for less than that price. Prediction: BUY IT NOW, DON'T HESITATE! You''ll get it later, but do you want to pay $50 for a used one? Check the prices on Discogs. ORDER THIS NOW!!! MOVE!! If you want to own this, IT CAN'T BE NEW, but Discogs has used from $3 to $15. DON'T HESITATE. DO IT NOW!! MOVE, or you'll buy the same thing next week. YOU'LL PAY AT LEAST $50 even used NEXT WEEK! DON'T DELAY.
Even if you're complete w/o this, because you have all of his stuff. You can have HIS FAVES in one PLACE for $15?? COMPILED BY TONY HIMSELF!!! His favorites. YOU NEED THIS.
If you're a Anthony Benedetto fan, get this NOW. It's his best album. A MUST OWN, even at $50. How'd you like a mint used one for $15.
Besides, if you're near complete, get it anyway, since Tony picked the track HIMSELF!! In other words, listen to 4 CD's. His favorite tracks x4? Especially at $15, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT?
Near complete, BUT you still NEED IT, if only for tracks you might be missing. Have I gotten through? If you don't have some of the earliest hits, you need it for them: Lazy Afternoon, Stranger in Paradise, Because of You, Boulevard of Broken Dreams. All big hits, though mono from early 50's. Classics, but early 50's fidelity. Don't expect too much FIDELITY from the early tracks!! That's why they're often left off smaller collections! They're semi-rare.
For a single disc SACD, get the US single layer greatest. First few tracks are also poor fidelity, but the later ones may be the best SOUNDING single disc compilation!! Don't judge SACD fidelity by first tracks. Some of same aforementioned oldies!! YOU NEED THIS, too for economy of money and or time.
IF YOU WANT TO GET MORE STUFF > CAUSE YOU WANT TO HONOR HIM. Buy the BOX SET and SACD. You won't be sorry. Lots of other SACD's available, too!!