I too picked up a copy in all the frenzy a couple of weeks ago.
Well at least it was only $12.00.
The surround mix is crafted to compliment the various promo videos. Evidently the label didn’t want to spend Duran Duran “Hungry Like the Wolf” like dollars so most of the songs are “live performance” promos.
In keeping with that, audience noise becomes part of the mix. Not being a fan of that fake noise, I am less impressed with this release than others.
Perhaps they were purposefully trying to lean on Triumph’s reputation as a killer live band but in 2023, it looks kind of like a low budget move.
Even putting that aside, I find the other mixing elements just as sub-par as other early Richard Chycki surround mixes. Nothing interesting going on discrete wise.
I am glad that others are enjoying this but I feel this a huge dud.