Here in the UK I upgraded from Sky HD to Sky Q with UltraHD (which turned out to be by streaming only not via satellite!) and an additional HD mini-hub so all linked into my network via 1Gb Ethernet. Then I decided to upgrade to add Netflix UHD, then I wanted the Mandolorian so that added Disney+. The end result is I'm paying around £5 a month more and I probably watch it less!
....... thats progress!
Plus Netflix keeps hassling me with emails saying tell us what you like and we'll direct you to more of the same, which is dumb, why only watch all the same types of things! Which is what I think of all these streaming sites especially the music ones, they feed you what their 'algorithm' thinks you want, no spontaneity just uniformity! Because of QQ I have listened to and liked (with the exception of Primus!!) lots of music which I wouldn't have considered before. We need more randomness.