Dredging up an old thread here.....I finally ran into a situation with a region two DVDV disc (Gary Moore) that my Oppo's would not play. So I did what I always do, search, search, search and of course I end up right back here at QQ!
Now, I've had the superdisc .iso file (mine is named super_disk.iso) sitting on one pc or another for years but never needed to use it.
Anyway there is one thing I don't understand about the above posts.
Some say it's not tied to any particular firmware, only that it needs to be used after any firmware upgrades. Others say it is.
The former would make more sense to me as the superdisc works on most or all Oppos? It's been a while since I read up on the superdisc at one of the wiki's, but IIRC this thread as I read it today, is the first time I've ever heard that it would essentially freeze or change the firmware somehow to some version on the superdisc. That would seem to imply that all Oppo's have the same basic firmware, which surely couldn't be.
(Now, I have older Oppo and Samsung players that have a firmware hack so as to play SACD-R but that's a different thing altogether, and they are indeed stuck on older firmware but only as long as I keep them "SACD-R enabled" unless/until some new hacks come along)
So what say you who have actually used the superdisc mod?