Well now - it being WELL into 2020 - and considering the thread is entitled 2019 - it's absolutely no wonder that I unintentionally simply whizzed on by - struggling to learn where is the search function is - or the "search for a section" (oh no wait there isn't one - you have to blindly waddle around until falling into a thread)?
Yes - so newbies corner.
in 2020 too wow.
I'm here.
So too are all of you.
Needless to say my Gravatar "avatar" has now followed me into this website alongside my several now posts - hence a Google Search - (or a wordpressed one will do) of my unique username (well it was in 1965 when someone commented on my ability to QU-ickly_f-IX something - hence the term QUIX came to mean something other than what I thought it meant ..
Q-uantum U-nits of I-nnovative (e)X-ponentials (for you) = QUIX4U
In other words - Quantum leaps and bounds can be made quickly - (by simply Gogle searching my username - without me telling you anything about me at all.
One just needs to jump across otherwise devoid spaces (via the internet) - whilst travelling within one;s mind's eye - learning of spacial related problems, if?
IF one thinks along the lines of a good old gaming controller's buttons - be they Sega - or Playstation - X-box etc
(or other type gaming controller's braille section buttons)..
THE SQUARE - is only the twit who stays within the inner circle ..
Hence GET OUT of your inner CIRCLE (it's not the surround "sound" space that you thought it was).
DO NOT simply say - ?
Oh look another audio channel - a third one - so it must be that it's a TRIANGLE
(from where my earlier than 1965 "triangulation methods" of placements of sound - came to pass, and pass they did - three meaning ONLY the start of my TRIPELLO™ audio's journeys into 3D & beyond (4th dimension & 5th etc etc..
Concerning not just audio and other things innovative.
But the true mneaning of the raised braille symbols - on a gaming controller pad.
[_] = Square
O = Circle
/_\ = Triangle..
The simplest form of three dimensional stability is to use three speakers
2D audio creating a mere flat plan in 2 dimensions only - is similar as to having no spacial "fixed position" (or sound staging ability).
Ask any halfway good farm fuel supplier of overhead tank-stands..
& They'll tell you that if you take away a third leg - from any supporting tower, and HOPE to keep the tank upright by using the remaining two legs
They will tell you that they WILL NOT support the tank - as it will fall over and crash to the ground.
One needs at least three legs - to retain anything in a tank (above ground)
One also needs more than two speakers to maintain spacial effects in audio noise fields.
BUT . in saying that
DO NOT stay at a mere three (or a smaller 2.1 for that matter) TRIANGULATED system
The TRIANGLE is merely a trigonometry MAP, to allow you to look further than just three points of contact
Away out in the wilderness of surround sound - it's there - where?
X marks the spot ..
No not the virtual digitally created sweet spot - which is utterly useless for anything other than ONE listener - in a sound listening room, where oh look - all of your audiophile friends are doing their daMnedess - to hear exactly what you do, not knowing that audio frequencies interfere with each other - all around & through the air where the listeners are standing - or walking / talking within? To the annoying extent that sound may DOUBLE in loudness (it's not volume unless there is a 3D space to fill - by being a mere 2 Dimensional area - sound cannot be measured in volume - as there is none - it's a 2D flat area - not a volumetric space)
OR - sound interferes with itself, sometimes totally removing ANYTHING from being heard - even right beside a VERY LOUD loudspeaker at full noise.?
& Yes - it can happen (total silence) if two speakers are sufficiently close to each other to totally SUCK all audio "content" out of the air that a listener needs to hear with, as it is pulled into another 180 degree opposed speaker, when played at full loudness.!!!!
Now where was I - oh yes blubbering on again - about interferences.
All audiophiles here - who use ears to hear - should know that inner ear hair - inside an ear canal - ?
Oops wandering off into pictures of one's ear hairs, taken in a photograph of someone's ear canal?
Being the stupid marketing info - surrounding the useless PICTURE your new 360 degree app needs to take - of your ears / ears?
Yes - a picture is taken to prove you need to spend whackloads on special spacial equipment that you will never use, don't need and will be utterly useless to you soon anyways?
Being that a so-called virtual 360 degree sound effects App, can map a picture of your ear canal - to optimise the listening environment - to give the correct "volume" - which somehow can be created by Sony - just by taking a snapshot of your physical ear canal -
Oh my lorde - what utter poppycock - my EARS do not show - my inability to HEAR high pitched screaming sounds, about the excessively loud Tinnitus that's in there already?
Nor will it fix years of loud noises and industrial machinery - basting my hearing to hell an gone?
So - how to hear what your 1970's parents HAIR stopped them from hearing "here or there" too
If one had gone to WOODSTOCK to hear that open air - live concert - one would have very soon discovered that MOST (if not all) of the on-stage music - was immediately LOST within the crowds of people and the poor acoustics of open space - filled with talking / singing or blindly crooning HIPPIES half cut on some speed, weed or another lift them up drug of choice.?
Amps - strategically placed around the WOODSTOCK site, helped (but also destroyed) most of the rest of the audio there, as interferences between speaker towers, all "pumping out" exactly the same PA audio - ?
Oops walk a little close to that tower babe - as the "air" at the halfway stage - is as dead as a doornail - or hit sideways on, by some other loudspeaker tower - shooting you with yet another out of balance - same frequency / slightly time delayed enough to self-cancel out the first sounds from the tower, or towers closer to you..
It's a problem with all open air loud hailer audio systems..
As a different distant tower - fires an audio source directly at you - in between a line of "parted" swaying hipsters.
SOUND, crisp clean done in a sterile sound proofed studio - can ONLY be replicated in the same studio - if one places the exact microphone "speaker" - at the new speaker's placement - to ensure th crystal clear sound - is exactly that - the SAME sound crystal clear.
Fortunately - our ears are as bad acoustically - as our active ability to spatially distance things..
Thus - one can HEAR almost as good as the original artists thought they played well enough at - all their concert sounds, if one removes all other interferences from that day..?
Or - if one doesn't start being stupid, by assuming an app cn take a picture of your outer ear canals - to provide you with optimal sound experiences - based ONLY upon a dumb user's smartphone, that can do amazing things within your ears - that no amount of telling you to use ear protectors ever did, when you used that chainsaw last week, the lawnmower every weekend, or that shotgun blast all day long at the clay pigeon "shoot offs' ?
((after you forgot to put on your earmuffs).
All you need is a LOT MORE SPEAKERS than your two ears, one brain & two eyes, and a simple mind - tell you that a sound is staged - AT - somewhere..?
All you need is a system that can do all of that - by doing absolutely NOTHING to the pre-recorded music - other than simply playing it.
But what the hell would i know - I've just spent almost my entire life - trying to find multiple channels inside all music that is presented to me.
Yes - i have very successfully converted a SINGLE 17 second airplayed "clip" - of a local fire-siren wailer - screaming loudly that another weekly TRAING / test night - was starting again - helping to keep the local & not so local fire fighters on their toes..?
Check this out..
Multiple aeroplanes - using propellers to power themselves through the flickering pages in the virtual movie I made - inside my PC's movie maker program, forcing stills pictures to virtually be whizzing in and out of valleys and suchlike - on an amazingly long overhead armada - of similar planes - as they?
Oh you have music playing - sorry we're drowning that out..
I made two videos - one using a micro-mono cassette's recording of just 17 seconds duration - as the local firefighters were audibly called out, to another weekly training session ..
And spent well over three MONTHS doing micro-adjustments to - and re-recording remasters, over the top of these few seconds of "sound" - as i slowed down, sped up and otherwise manipulated the audio to suit my "done-by-ear" style of remastering..
To get a super lengthy (I had a full 79 minute CD at one stage) - long enough sound, to do an extended length video - for a fellow YourTuber - that I eventually got into a video with all the wonderful propellor planes too.?
(Vid_14) Found - the missing 17secs (a series for Goregoon) about a MONO Fire Siren "clip"
435 views10 years ago
Goregoon.... I found "IT" The missing 17 secs As it was also JUST an audio clip - I had to toss it across something... so did a quick whizz past my van & merged the windy noised vid - onto the...
QUIXww3 Propellors Make Echoes Everywhere Creating Timeless Music Forever Here Roxburgh Fire Siren
466 views10 years ago
QUIX4U QUIXww3 Propellors Make Their Echoes Everywhere Creating Timeless Music Forever Here ...!!! DO NOT INCREASE SOUND LEVELS ... THIS IS NOT A SILENT FILM ... ((( YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ))...